Hi All:
We bought a steel basement “bulkhead” door some 10 years ago in anticipation of installing it on the new house we were building. We ended up putting in a basement entrance inside the garage, so never used it.
We want to now install it on another house. The box is long gone, and we can’t recall the name. It is not Bilco. We bought it at a lumberyard that has since closed, but I believe these were also sold at Home Despot.
Can anyone think of another manufacturer of these doors? We’re in the Boston area, if that makes a difference…
There are some parts missing, and we’d also like to see what their installation instructions look like.
Unlike the Bilco, this door’s much more “upright” than a typical one…
No name anywhere on it?
Look at the plates / hardware associated with the handle - at least that is where Bilco puts their name.
Google bulkhead doors, HD, Lowes, etc. see what pops up?
Never underestimate the value of a sharp pencil or good light.
Hey, Jim:
Thanks for the reply.
Nope, no nameplate like on a Bilco. I can't find anything at all on it.
I Googled as you suggested (before posting here-- Google is my friend) and no luck. HD and Lowes sites don't show anything when searching for basement doors, and they don't have a category for it.
I can picture the box in my mind, with the name in big black letters, but I can't read it!
I know the local Lowes used to sell Bilco plus another manufacturer - don't know the name.
I googled "steel bulkhead doors" and found a few references but not to any other manufacturers. I did find a site which calls himself "The Bulkhead Man", claims to be the expert in the Northeast, pictures on the site appear to be Bilco - Joseph Cavallaro, 800-553-4301, might be worth a call - he may be able to guide your search a little better.
Never underestimate the value of a sharp pencil or good light.
Hi Jim:
Thanks for the tips.
I figured it out!
It's The Gordon Corporation, in Southington, Ct.
I knew if I kept thinking about it... The image of the name Gordon on the box was a bit hazy, but it came into focus!
Of course, it turns out we bought one of the "upright" style doors-- 51" high... Not what I was hoping for...
I am impressed!
I can't remember where I set a tool 15 minutes ago, and you can focus an image of the name on a box from years ago!
Glad you figured it out.
Never underestimate the value of a sharp pencil or good light.
Don't be too impressed! I can't remember what I had for lunch today.
Weird, though, I can remember details of things from years ago...
In this case, I remember the box was in storage, right up front near the doors. Every time I went in there, I'd have to go around it. When we last moved everything, the box got ripped up, and thrown away, but the image of it is still there.
Now, if I could just remember what my husband looks like. He was here a minute ago... :)