I see three big rectangles, each of which says that “This photo is currently unavailable”.
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the fliker servers must be taking a nap.
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Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
Excellence is its own reward!
The Flikr method turns out to be not as cool as I had thought.
Check out Huck's posts in that long thread about "all my pixels got . . . " or whatever it was titled.
Yes, the photo is able to be posted with the link from the Flikr site pasted into the Breaktime thread post, but there is a hook. Go to one of Huck's posts with one of his pics, and click on the pic itself.
Bang. Takes you straight into his completely open and unlocked Flickr account, in which you can look all around at his hundreds of pics he put there.
That is not what I want or thought was going on. I thought the link from the Breaktime post back to the pic was a one-pic one-way link, that worked to make the pic available here, period. Nothing else. No link back to my entire album of pics.
Not that I have anything to hide back over at Flickr, but it just did not seem to be right for me to have that backward link.
So, I'm looking for something else. Maybe someone will suggest a way.
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"A stripe is just as real as a dadgummed flower."
Gene Davis 1920-1985
There has been several times I have reverse engineered URLs at people's sites when they post a photo or two here and get the grand overall view of the job to make beneficial comments to them. Sometimes amazes them what powers of cognition I seem to have!
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Let's try something else. Here is one of the pics I have, done in another photo sharing site.
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Can you see it?
If so, does it link you to the site?
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"A stripe is just as real as a dadgummed flower."
Gene Davis 1920-1985
Edited 6/13/2009 7:23 am ET by Gene_Davis
all i could determine is the properties.... and that it's a shutterfly account
Mike Hussein Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
OK, Mike, thanks. Maybe this will do it.
Here goes.
The house design is by a MN architect, and photos of it are in a book. My interest is in adapting some of its features into a new lakeside house here. Let's look at its garage roof structure, which is flat, has a deck on top, and on part of the deck is built a screened porch. The structural challenge is in dealing with the cantilevers.
Here is a birdseye view.
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The garage, with a 25' x 25' footprint, has the deck over, with cantilevers in all three directions. Proposed for that roof structure is an arrangement of open web trusses, principal span running front to back (parallel to garage door), bearing on the walls and a steel beam running under that line of posts that support the porch roof.
Here is a section view. The view does not show the WF beam under the deck, but one will need to be there. The cantilever to the view side (L) is 4'6, and on the R, under the tall porch wall, the cantilever is 1'6.
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An engineer at a plant supplying another job of mine (I'm designing, not building) has been asked to review this for feasiblilty and feed back some info as re truss depth, arrangements at corners, bearings, etc.
Here is one more section, this one being long ways through the structure. The cantilever out over the garage door is 2'0.
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"A stripe is just as real as a dadgummed flower."
Gene Davis 1920-1985
I see everything you posted, just fine.
I'll bet you can't see the images in post # 121267.1;)
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
You won that bet!
Photobucket test.
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"A stripe is just as real as a dadgummed flower."
Gene Davis 1920-1985