As my trade, and my customers teach me, I am able to give to you. What have I been taught, Has it been a good thing, or a bad thing? I think I know.
My mother always taught us kids everything she knew, at all times. I didn`t know what it ment to be a conduit at the time, but, hindsight favors the ones who are looking.
It seems, I am the same way. I learn something good, and I give it away. It always seems to come back to me when I least expect it.
It is not only in the learning, it is in the doing, and profiting from our mistakes, that makes us grow. “I think”.
It is merely, the many differing conduits we choose to draw from, that sets us apart. Does it make us special? Maybe, but, for the most part, we are just channeling information.
That doesn`t make us great, the doing is what makes us great. We can talk till we`re blue in the face, but, I like to believe we can stand up as well.
What is a tradesman? Doesn`t that imply that this person needs to accel in many different areas?
Doesn`t that mean, we need to consider the customer, as well as each others trade, to be able to perform a work of art together.
When you think about, and inquire into surrounding fields, you become much better, at what you do. “I think”.
I realize this may seem out of the ordinary, but, this is something I wish to contribute to the next generation of professionals. Money will buy many things, but, the respect and admiration of your co/workers, will bring you, and yours, much joy.
If we wish to lead hard, strong, smart, people, we must be one of them. A leader leads by example in the field, not by someone else in that field.
Some say, “I am a good manager”, or a good organizer. Great, but, you need to lead in the field, if you wish to lead these people, “not from a desk”. Leave that to someone who accels in that arena.
Many people say they can lead, and buy thier way in, but, that does not make them all they can be, and be able to teach it. “You have to live it”.
I would normally post something like this on a site for carpet installers.
These are my thoughts, I would like to ask you, “Are these wrong? These are things I believe, but, I sure get a lot of negative feedback from things like this on another site.
I don`t wish to help the next generation incorrectly.
Always looking for a better way,
Jim Ryan
As my trade, and my customers teach me, I am able to give to you. What have I been taught, Has it been a good thing, or a bad thing? I think I know.
My mother always taught us kids everything she knew, at all times. I didn`t know what it ment to be a conduit at the time, but, hindsight favors the ones who are looking.
It seems, I am the same way. I learn something good, and I give it away. It always seems to come back to me when I least expect it.
It is not only in the learning, it is in the doing, and profiting from our mistakes, that makes us grow. "I think".
It is merely, the many differing conduits we choose to draw from, that sets us apart. Does it make us special? Maybe, but, for the most part, we are just channeling information.
That doesn`t make us great, the doing is what makes us great. We can talk till we`re blue in the face, but, I like to believe we can stand up as well.
What is a tradesman? Doesn`t that imply that this person needs to accel in many different areas?
Doesn`t that mean, we need to consider the customer, as well as each others trade, to be able to perform a work of art together.
When you think about, and inquire into surrounding fields, you become much better, at what you do. "I think".
I realize this may seem out of the ordinary, but, this is something I wish to contribute to the next generation of professionals. Money will buy many things, but, the respect and admiration of your co/workers, will bring you, and yours, much joy.
If we wish to lead hard, strong, smart, people, we must be one of them. A leader leads by example in the field, not by someone else in that field.
Some say, "I am a good manager", or a good organizer. Great, but, you need to lead in the field, if you wish to lead these people, "not from a desk". Leave that to someone who accels in that arena.
Many people say they can lead, and buy thier way in, but, that does not make them all they can be, and be able to teach it. "You have to live it".
I would normally post something like this on a site for carpet installers.
These are my thoughts, I would like to ask you, "Are these wrong? These are things I believe, but, I sure get a lot of negative feedback from things like this on another site.
I don`t wish to help the next generation incorrectly.
Always looking for a better way,
Jim Ryan