What’s your opinion on finishing inside corners of 5″ exposure, horizontal 3/4″ cedar T&G panelling? I can think of three choices:
– butted
– butted then apply a square trim piece vertically into the corner
– apply a square trim piece (1 x 1) in the corner, then butt each side to it
The baseboard, window and door casings will all be 1-by with no profiles. Any opinions as to appearance or installation gotchas?
Put a 1x1 in the corner. The grooves may not line up perfectly if you butt them. An after corner looks wrong.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
The alignment of the T&G joint around the corner is one potential issue. We'd especially like to panel one wall entirely before moving to the next-site issues suggest that.
forget the 1x1. Rip a piece of the t & g.
Sorry, but I can't see in your picture where you put the ripped T&G. Are you saying, rip the T&G square and put that in the corner, which means there is no reveal of this vertical piece yet both sides of panelling won't meet each other. They'll butt up agains the vertical piece. And, because its the same thickness as the siding, it won't show except at the v-groove at the t&g joints. Is that the correct interpretation?
What purpose does this piece serve then if its not seen?
correct, that is the point - you can't see it...cept for the in the grooves.
Sorry bout the pics, I was in a rush so I didn't have time to elborate before. But you have got it figured out. Looks really clean that way.
On the out side corners I rabbeted a cedar 2x2 so that it would fit flush with the t&g both ways. Don't think you can really see it in those pics, but it looks really sharp. View Image View Image
Thanks for the clarification. We were on the same track and that's what I'll do. I did order extra 1-by just for things like that. I don't have outside corners but would have probably done the same as you on that, too.
FYI; I'm using a pre-finished product from "Michigan Pre-Stain". Its rough on one side, smooth on the other for either application. Both sides are finished with 2 coats of water-borne polyurethane similar to Minwax Polycrylic satin. However, the finish is still too glossy on the rough side were I to use that. The additional price is definitely worth it versus the cost of finishing the wood myself. They also offer pine.
purpose? umm......it's a clean look. the reason it's there is although it's not really seen, it is seen at the gaps when looked at closely instead of of looking at dark voids.
but it's not the only way to do it, do what looks good to you.
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Edited 3/11/2008 11:32 pm by alrightythen
5/4 X 5/4 inside corner. Applying afterwards looks cheesey, and butting them doesn't allow you to "cheat" if necessary.
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
Pp, Qq
That's my take on the options. I'm just trying to get the best appearance. Continuing the joint line around the room, through the corners is probably the biggest potential for problems. Otherwise, I can work the joint for a tight plumb cut.