I’m looking for some woven fabric that I’ve used before in the past to hold in cellulose insulation in a new wall construction situation. It may have been some sort of landscape fabric but someone had given it to the guy I was working with and it was white, gossamer-y, and held in cellulose insulation really well.
Does this make any sense at all to anyone? Am I crazy? Anyone know what I could possibly be trying to find?
Thanks, Paul
I think the guys here call it "netting". Never used it personally.
saw a article in the last jlc about that....or.. use Typar brand house wrap. The stuff is inpossible to tear. I'm thinking of having a suit made out of it......
insul mesh
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Thanks all for the speedy response. Thanks Phil for the visual confirmation from that other thread. I like to be able to look at something and verify that that's indeed what I was looking for.I'm actually looking for it to hold batt insulation back in a basement remodel. I usually staple string across the backs of the studs to keep the insulation (unfaced cotton) from ever wanting to fall against the concrete, but this works a little better and cleaner.Paul
I bet you could use septic cloth. They sell it in the plumbing dept of some big box stores.
Thanks, that might work too.
I ended up driving all over today looking for Insul mesh with no luck. I finally called one place that I thought might have it and they directed me to someone who does. So I can go pick up a roll tomorrow. Paul