The people in the Pentagon are about three-quarters of the way to our goal of eleven million dollars in donations from our pay to the Combined Federal Campaign.
Today at the cottage, I listened to a radio broadcast from Norfolk that culminated a 52-hour radio marathon of drive-up donations from the site from which they were broadcasting. They received over 200 tons–that would be 400,000 pounds of food for food banks in the Norfolk area, but mainly for New York. Their credo was that no kid should be hungry.
I point this out because this is how your average, war-mongering, macho, stupid member of your military behaves.
I’m proud of them.
Our agency is close to 85% of contributions to the CFC. Not a lot of people know what that is so maybe a explaination is due. The Fed. Govt each year sponsors a charity drive for its employee. A employee can specify what charity he wants his donation to go to or or to a general fund to be distributed equally to all the charities reconized by the fed gov. The donation can be either a one time donation or a allotment out of the employee pay for the year. The minimum for the allotment is 2 bucks which equates to 52 bucks a year. fed employees get paid bi-monthly or have 26 paydays a year. Considering the amount of federal employees there were roughly 800K world wide and the amount of military personnel world wide, thats a pretty good size chunk of change being donated every year.
*Tom I'm proud of them too Only the 2nd time my son hasn't been home for the holidays .........Basic and now :-( Daniel
*i average, war-mongering, macho, stupid member of your military behaves. I'll vouch for everything but "stupid member"!!!:-)
*Tara,I slipped-I certainly meant to put the "stupid" word in quotation marks, to attribute it to certain "others". Sorry.TomPS The charity continues, by regular people who are now rightfully distrustful of the Big Industry charities. People in America are bursting with desire to help our fellow countrymen who have need. Ain't America a great country?Tom
*My member is pretty stupid...used to get in lotsa trouble....
The people in the Pentagon are about three-quarters of the way to our goal of eleven million dollars in donations from our pay to the Combined Federal Campaign.
Today at the cottage, I listened to a radio broadcast from Norfolk that culminated a 52-hour radio marathon of drive-up donations from the site from which they were broadcasting. They received over 200 tons--that would be 400,000 pounds of food for food banks in the Norfolk area, but mainly for New York. Their credo was that no kid should be hungry.
I point this out because this is how your average, war-mongering, macho, stupid member of your military behaves.
I'm proud of them.