Circulator Fan in 1 Hour Fire Wall
I’m seeking a little advice.
I’m framing out a retro bathroom that’s adjacent to a utility room in a duplex. Code requires a 1hr fire wall between the shared utility/boiler room and new room (5/8″ drywall with an x rating and a solide core door). The old bathroom had a thru-wall fan that moved the very warm air of the boiler room into the bathroom, but via an inline forced-air circulator. The old method wasn’t very effective, but it did help move some of that hot air into a space that benefitted from the warmth.
I’d like to do the same (maybe just an inwall circulator fan instead of duct booster fan) but it needs to be fire rated for 1 hour just like the wall.
Anybody have advice as to sources for such a system? I’m not familiar with where to find such a fan that will meet code.
Here in New York any penetration in a fire wall needs a fire damper. It's a device that at a preset temprature blocks off the opening, thus maintaining the rating. They come with different ratings to match the wall.
A commercial HVAC supply house should be able to set you up...Buic
I think your right. I worked on a hospital project. Inspectors are usually, in my experience, strict on fire ratings. In such a situation they demanded a UL and FM listed automatic fire damper that was at least as highly rated as the wall itself.You might have to give up your vent. Fire rated automatic dampers are not anything like inexpensive to buy and they also take some considerable effort to install correctly. Unless absolutely demanded it is usually easier to avoid penetrating a firewall. This also tends to make the BIs happier as a firewall without penetrations is easier to inspect.
The vent needs a thermal fuse to shut off the fan and a fire shutter to close it up.
That'$ not $o hard $et right. It ju$t depend$ on $ome de$ign de$i$ion$ you $eem to need to make. Like how mu¢h $$$ ¢an you $ee to $pend.