Closet organizer using Festool’s LR32 and DF500 connectors

I’m not sure if this is the right category, but here’s my problem: I don’t know how to set-up/register the Festool’s KV-LR32 connector and the DF500 without trial and error and/or with shims.
I want to build a closet organizer in a closet with a narrow entrance/door. I figure it would be best to build the organizer with knockdown connectors. Since I have the DF500 and the LR32 already, using Festool’s LR32 to mill 5 mm holes and the KV-LR32 connectors with dominoes would be a good way to keep everything registered for hardware and shelf placement – in theory.
However, there are two points i’m not sure of when using this system: 1) Should I set the 5mm system hole at 9.5mm from the bottom edge of the vertical partition using the 9.5mm linear stop for the LR32 – most ply is actually closer to 18.25mm thick not 19mm (=2*9.5); 2.) How to easily centre a domino mortise on the end of shelf that would be centred on the 5mm hole (without trial and error and shims) at the bottom of the vertical partition and at the large top shelf position.
I thought that the DF500 has a 10mm offset from the bottom shoe to centre-line of bit and using the pivoting fence on th DF500 with the thickness gauge would give 9mm – 18/2).
I was even thinking these tools/systems could be used to install drawer dividers in the organizer after i got the partitions up. If the drawer division doesn’t work out, it would seem easy to change if using knockdown connectors.
I was originally thinking that i would build a separate “box” for the shelves/drawers and attach it to the vertical partition and the shelf with cabinet connector bolts, but that would require two more plywood side panels. The plywood is expensive but so is time!
The rough sketch, attached, gives you an idea of what i want to get done. The partitions would be supported on stretchers going across the back wall (3/4 x 3″ wide.
I asked Festool about this and the answer for their "System" was that you would have to use shims. As a helpful suggestion, Festool said that the shim could be any material as long as it is flat ??!!