Complete remodel – HVAC system problems
We have performed a complete remodel of a very old house (1890), and a small new addition was added. Insulation was added whereever possible, new windows, new drywall most places. We used a reputable architect and GC to perform the work and direct us. The main objectives were green healthy construction and energy efficiency. We have had multiple near misses and problems due to poor supervision on site. A geothermal was installed by a very competent contractor, the HVAC contractor did the duct work and “inside” work. I requested an energy audit: Ductblaster test: leak rate1374 CFM, Blowerdoor 14 ACH 50. In addition, after doing research using this website and other sources I see several problems with the way the system is balanced (or lack thereof) and, obviously, the sealing. We need an independent expert to look at HVAC and insulation, I don’t think we can trust the architect and GC anymore. Where can we get help from an expert on these issues? Mechanical engineer?
I appreciate any advice
Additional concerns
"A geothermal was installed by a very competent contractor.." Is this the same contractor that sealed and and balanced the system? If not, why didn't the competent contractor install the duct work? Who designed the system?
14 ACH 50 reflects poor quality and attention to detail (basic, new construction would be expected to acheive 2 to 4 ACH 50).
Don't know where you are but it shouldn't matter. Sources for a competent reviewer of your situation (expect any sharp person to cost you $150/hour or more, pay them) include:
USGBC - look for LEED accredited mechancial/HVAC Engineers in your area. MAKE SURE THEY ARE ME's WITH HVAC expertise. Architechts and other assorted "greenies" do not count.
ASHRAE - practicing HVAC professionals will belong to this organization.
Local, small consulting engineering companies - the one man shop PE HVAC guy could be the best bet here. Or the worst.
Architects (other than the one you have been working with) that do commercial and/or institutional and/or Life Safety work will be a good source for a REFERRAL to a competent HVAC designer.
Who did the blower door and duct blaster test? If independent, they could be a source of the reviewer or referral.