Solid concrete slab drive going back into L Shaped corner of house, small curved concrete/brick steps in corner to elevated landing/porch. Client wants large curved concrete patio area up to hieght of first step, eventually rest of drive to be removed for planting area.
Question, break slab first, build form and anchor extra height patio pour on top of existing slab, or pour new patio slab and then break out remaining drive slab. Or remove all slab in desired patio area and start from scratch. Client wants to do things in stages, not cough up all the bucks one time.
Let’s not confuse the issue with facts!
Question, break slab first, build form and anchor extra height patio pour on top of existing slab, or pour new patio slab and then break out remaining drive slab. Or remove all slab in desired patio area and start from scratch.
since no one else has taken a stab....
I'd start from scratch, getting all the old out of the way, just because you don't know what's going on under the old concrete....
but if $ is that much of an issue, it'd be cheaper to work off the top of the existing...if the existing shows no signs of any movement, and water issues (drainage) are clearly under control, in all probability you'll have no problem....cut the existing concrete so when the drive is removed you get a clean edge...
I'll second that.