I make kitchens, and DW wishes to offer my customers tiled countertops. Neither of us have ever tiled anything before, but we’ve read books and watched videos, not that any of these gave any info on counters
Anyway, we’ve bought some nice matt finish flat tiles and all the other stuff such as flexible adhesive, epoxy grout and acylic grout (which was even more expensive than the epoxy but doesn’t need to be mixed). We are tiling onto primed birch ply.
Our first experiments (she doing, me watching) have not been successful. Main problem is applying the adhesive, keeping it the same thickness all over, which has led to the next problem of the tiles not setting level.
How thick does the adhesive need to be? When applying it, should the toothed spreader be held vertical, and should the grooves it leaves go all the way to the ply? Any other advice?
I would be inclined to get a professional to do it, but DW is determined to have a go, and earn the money that the pro would need to be paid!