Craftsman Bungalow Copper Roof Ridge Finial

I’m looking into putting the original cedar shingle roof back on my historic craftsman bungalow (1913). An old photo shows that there were roof ridge finials similar to the one in the attached photo (I need copper not gold like the photo). Does anyone know where I might find something like this or a coppersmith who can make them? I sincerely appreciate any help you may have.
Thank you!
Len G
The original was probably made of wood and had gold leaf applied. They still make gold leaf and copper leaf. In the dim recesses of my mind, I think there was an article in FH as
to how to prep and attach the gold leaf. BTW the gold leaf will far out last copper.
Here you go.
He used to be a forum regular and is a good craftsman. Be sure to mention you found the referral here but also remind him I don’t know you from Adam.
I have a good reputation and like to keep it that way.
Best of luck!
Edit: He was a roofer for many years so he will know how to build it with the appropriate flash and counter flash for your application.