I’ve run ads on Craigslist (San Francisco Area) for the past three years and get a fair amount of business from them. Lots of flakes and tire-kickers as well, but enough real customers to make it worthwhile.
This morning, I was posting a new ad and was asked to include my license number – and I’m not sure I want to do that.
In California, anyone with a computer can go to the Department of Consumer Affairs website, enter the license number, and get quite a bit of personal information about the licensee. While I certainly have no problem showing a customer all the appropriate license, bond, and insurance information, I’m not comfortable putting that on a website.
Maybe I’m being a little too paranoid, but this bugs me. I already get 15-20 spam emails for every legitimate email and my mailbox usually has 2-3 times as much junk mail as real mail. There’s never been any question that I’m paranoid, but I always wonder if I’m paranoid enough!! – lol
Has anyone else run into this on Craigslist – or any other similar internet service? How did you deal with it?
Edited 3/20/2007 7:50 pm by Dave45
I check Craigslist on a regular basis, but did not know they had begun doing this for postings. Although you may feel uncomfortable doing this, at the same time, I'd think any licensed individual would welcome this as a means of separating themselves from the unlicensed individuals out there posing as contractors.
I checked out a few of the listings and as yet, Craigslist does not offer a way to search by "licensed" or "unlicensed". The info shows up in the listing, but a "search by" feature has not been incorporated yet. Personally, I hope they do also incorporate this feature. This is a means of advertising one's business and separting one from the unlicensed individuals out there is welcome in my opinion.
On the other hand, I understand your hesitance in giving out info like that, since one who's out there "searching for info" has just been given an easier way to find you. So yes, that's a downside.
However, when advertising one's business online, print ads, etc, listing one's license # is expected. A customer should be able to easily distinguish licensed from unlicensed by looking at an ad and without having to call just to determine that info.
In Michigan you dont have to put in your actual number. Some people around here just simple put in "MI res Lic".
Try that see if it works. I put my number in. Didnt really think about what could happen
Maybe someone will pay off my bills.
Around here a lot of plumbers and electricians have their license numbers printed right on their vans so I'm not sure how big a deal it is.
That being said.... if you're worried I would see if you can just punch in the type of license and not the number. In MA, I would note that I have an Unrestricted MA Construction Supervisor's License and am a Registered Home Improvement Contractor. It gets the point across without revealing more information than you are comfortable with.
I don't have a problem giving someone either of my license numbers (GC or PE). If I used the Yellow Pages or had a sign on my truck, I would include the GC number as required by CA law.
My objection to posting the number(s) on Craigslist is based on how easy it becomes for someone to get into my personal info. The "bad guys" probably won't take the time to copy a license number from a truck then go dig me up on the internet. When the number(s) are in a venue like Craigslist, however, it just takes a few seconds and a few mouse clicks.
I completely support the idea of screening the licensed contractors from the unlicensed hacks and applaud Craigslist for their attempt. I would, however, prefer to have a little control over who gets my info.
I think that I'll wait a while before posting another Craigslist ad and watch how other contractors handle this. - lol
After I made this post, I checked several Craigslist ads and found that most of the licensed folks were including their numbers. Counting on safety in numbers, I posted my ad.
This whole thing may become a lot of fun to watch. CA law requires a license for jobs over $600. There were several ads from unlicensed contractors offering major remodeling work - and the ads included phone numbers. I gotta wonder if the CSLB (Contractor State Licensing Board) will be giving them a call. - lol
Edited 3/21/2007 9:49 am by Dave45
I'd be more worried about the information being available in the state's database. It would be far easier for someone to farm all the information from that one location than get the license number from Craig's List and then go to the state's database for the details. The bad guys probably already have your information from the state's contractor database and won't even bother to look for you on Craig's List.
Don't you feel better now about putting your license number on Craig's List?
In WA state, it's legally required to put your license number on ANY advertising materials, and the state interprets bids or even business cards to be advertising materials!
Also, in WA, the state runs an online database so that the public can look up a contractor to find out whether insurance and licensing is current, etc. The website even includes "private" information like the contractor's home address and telephone number.
I'm not sure what the laws are in CA, of course, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were very similar to those in WA. The point of all this is that your private information may already be more accessible than you ever thought it was.
Edited 3/21/2007 1:49 pm ET by Ragnar17
I put licensed, insured and bonded in the wording of the ad and click on the non-licensed button. I agree a lot of good business generates from Craig's list. But .... well you know around here we call them Craig's list flakes : ).
Here in Maryland you must put your licenses number in any advertisement and display it on your truck in 3" black lettering. If you are caught advertising unlicensed, the first time is free, the second time carries a 20 grand fine and up to 1 year in jail. I have never had a problem with my personal info being public.... maybe I'm just lucky.