I am a small time remodeler. I have been trying to find a “cad” type program for rendering floor plans to give to customers after I meet with them on a bid. I feel like if I give them something to look at it is easier for them to pin down the details. Also would give me something to do an accurate estimate off of.
I am not a computer genius, but I can get around alright. I also don’t want to spend a fortune.
Does anyone have any recomendations?
Look on line maybe at BESTBUY.COM for the program "3-D Home Architect". there are several versions and its easy to use and under a hundred bucks and has upgrades if you want.
Be well
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Echoing what Andy said, what you want is 3-D Home Architect Deluxe Version 3.0. The latest release is, I think, version 4.0 but 3.0 is actually better IMHO. 3.0 is available for about $15 and you will not stop thanking us.
My thanks to you and Andy. I have a program called Punch SUPER Home Suite. It is verty frustrating to use and I have had no luck with it.
I will give 3-d home architect a try.