DeWalt 735 Planer difficult to adjust for thickness

I haven’t called DeWalt but I wanted to see if members had any tips. I bought this new (theoretically) from a person who re-sells Home Depot equiptment. The thickness crank is extremely difficult to turn and won’t go below an 1″. Anything I am missing? Thanks ahead.
I have the same unit with the same problem. It worked fine when new but it's been in an unconditioned garage for 5 years and the last time I took it out the crank wouldn't move. I figure its rusted and I need to strip the unit, but I'm interested to see if anyone else has experience...
Same experience. Replaced part #5140010-47, the wheel assembly for the chain that raises/ lowers the planer. Was bent. Don't know how that can happen. Attatchment is a parts diagram and list