The specific application is a block wall acting as an oil-containment area around a heating oil tank mounted in a garage. The remainder of the foundation block will stop 1 course above the concrete slab per standard practice. I’d like to surround the oil tank by extending the block to 3′ or so above this line. Anyone see any problem with attaching the exterior wall sheathing in this area directly to the block using Tapcons (in line with sheathing attached to studs)? It’s a nailing base for siding so we’ll have to be careful of the nail length for siding attachment.
Thanks for any input.
Assuming you are using 1/2" sheathing, I don't think your siding nails will have much to bite in and most likely will fail. You might need a spacer between the blocks and the sheathing for those nails to clear but that means you have to do that to the whole wall which could lead to dimensional considerations. Since you are only dealing with a 3' area, I would most likely, in your place, use a row of concrete fasteners at the bottom course of the siding, unless you are opting for lap board, in which case I would pre-rill/countersink and carefully set in small galvanized screws which would stay hidden behind the next course.
*Jeff, I don't see a problem, but you may want to consider using a 4 inch block on the inside face and still stud the outside wall face.Assuming that your using 8 inch blocks of course.Gabe
The specific application is a block wall acting as an oil-containment area around a heating oil tank mounted in a garage. The remainder of the foundation block will stop 1 course above the concrete slab per standard practice. I'd like to surround the oil tank by extending the block to 3' or so above this line. Anyone see any problem with attaching the exterior wall sheathing in this area directly to the block using Tapcons (in line with sheathing attached to studs)? It's a nailing base for siding so we'll have to be careful of the nail length for siding attachment.
Thanks for any input.