I have several small areas in my home that spray foam would be the ideal solution. I’ve been looking at and comparing the available kits in the 200 to 2000 BF sizes. I wondered if anybody has tried any of them, and if there are any preferences.
It looks like the Tiger Foam and FOMO Handi-foam are about the same thing and simialarly priced.
I recently discovered this other foam kit on ebay and wondered if anyone has used this.
It sounds interesting and is a little different, as it uses your air compressor to blow it. The foam itself is being sold as Soythane, which I don’t know if it is polyurethane, like the others or not. Being able to use your air compressor, I would think would give consistant results right to the end of the product. The others, I would think get weaker, and less foamy as they get past the halfway point in the tanks. This kit also is less money per board foot. I havn’t found much data on it though, such as R value per inch.
Any experience with these would be appreciated.
I know very little about soyfoam. In fact I have only heard that this product exists.
However I can give you the advice to call a spray foam contractor in to give you an estimate before you hand over your CC info for a DIY kit. You may find the costs to be similar.