I’m re-doing a small old ranch (adding three rooms) and did too much demo too early for the inspector. He came in and there was no Kitchen, little interior walls, no siding, etc. He looks at the electric and asks if I’m going to upgrade the service from 100 to 200, and I say yes. He says that while I’m at it, I can upgrade all the outlets from old 2 wire to 3. I’m not too happy, but call some couple electricians.
One shows up today, walks through 2 rooms and says he’ll call me in 48 hours with a price – for the service change. I’m perplexed. We had a good rapport – talked for 40 minutes on Friday. But he needs time to figure out the cost of a simple service change? I have the box, electric co was already there. Location is essentially the same. What do you need to look up? He didn’t even walk outside to see how much pipe/cable he needed to get to the roof. Says he’s busy and needs to come back to look the place over better to get an idea of what’s involved. Huh? It’s only a 6 room house, less than 800 square feet.
Why come back when you’re already there? A service change on a one family house is one of the most basic things that they can do. What am I missing?
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations – New Construction – Rentals
a copy of the yellow pages
That'll work.
maverick receives the much coveted
MrT/brownbagg OneLiner Award.
Saaalute!View Image View Image
Click here for access to the Woodshed Tavern
Click here to visit the beginning of Breaktime
Thanks - I needed that. :-)
Last night was one of those nights. Just venting. Too much going on.
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations - New Construction - Rentals
Don't tell me Hornswaggle is back at ya.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
He never left, just hides sometimes to let you get your guard down.
Last week on one of the extensions, I called out a number for the floor beam to my helper. He cut the last 16' 2x10. I did something else and came back later to put that beam in. Can you finish the story? Hint, it wasn't too long... Hornswaggle moved the lines on a ruler - his or mine, we don't know.
I can deal with most of the daily nonsense. Most of the time it doesn't bother me. I know I'm doing this to have fun. But last week, I got a phone call that my 45 year old cousin had died unexpectedly, from unknown cause. She was one of about 5 cousins that I really cared about. Two others died last year. One was 46, the other 47. It sucked. Drove up for the funeral, then back home in 36 hours. Three days later, I have to drive Back up (about 500+ miles each way) for a family estate matter where the judge loves me about as much as His Highness loves you. I'm looking at a "fine" of over 17K. There's more, but I won't go on.
The good news is I'm still looking at the grass from the top, not the bottom.
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations - New Construction - Rentals
hey Don, your start off week sounds like mine
Man, seeing you this weekend was the high point of the week. (Tells you how bad it's gotten --- :-)
Thanks for everything. Your deck looks great. I look forward to getting together again.
So, your week's off to a "good" start? Let me guess - somebody didn't pay their bill? Or did your wife get drunk, tie you up and and take advantage of you?
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations - New Construction - Rentals
being tied up and taken advantage off by my wife is good , but being tied up and beaten with a pair of pantyhose filled with B.S. by a customer is not,
1) I did come back home yesterday with a parctual payment, about half of what the cost of the job was at least I can cover my fuel and helpers wages.
2) My day after that progressivly got worse,my MOM c alls be up and tells me she is got to go in for emergency surgery this week , she was planting some flowers and noticed a burning in her abdomen , kept getting worse as she worked , turns out she has a big hernia that has just happened. she is going in for surgery thurs. or Fri.
3) I was getting the kids ready to go out with me to work on my Father inlaws dog compound" to big to be called a pen". and my stepson Marcus's highschool called "come get him he has hurt himself",he jumped up tp catch a pass in flag football and injured his right leg well that shot the rest of the day between doctors office and going to the hospital xray dept. and trying to keep my two little ones on a leash--my hats off to all of the stayat home or working MOMs everywhere in the world.
4) get home after that and Tracy tells me that she has got to do a malpractice deposition next week and she is torn up about that. so I try to calm her down
5)Then the phone rings again and my Motherin law is in need to go to the emergency room she is peeing blood -she is a ovarian cancer suvivor-- so anything like that you asume the worse. That tears Trace up even worse,as she is also trying to get ready for work, we are getting in the van to go to be with my MiL the phone rings again ---happy to say its just kidney stones . whew dodged the bullet on that one again.
So I get to fially sit on my newly completed deck , open up the cooler and get a beer -or four - of choice and listen to the birds chirp and the squirrils fuss at each other and watch the sunset on a pair of dirty little kids -----ah heck I thought I will give'em a bath in the mornin.--Shoot man I fially have learned to put things into perspective, only took fifty years.
His highness probably loves me even less now that he can't get his hooks on me. We seem to have winkled out a way to keep filing anything new with the Court of Appeals where he don't work yet (and never will, if I have anything to say about it!). For the moment, X is actually cooperating with that, too.
But, Holy Humpin' Himiny! That's your solution! Take it upstairs!
Gotta cost you less than 17grand to file a notice of appeal.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
Already appealed - twice.
First time they said he was wrong because he denied me a hearing. So, I won. Big deal. He set everything up his way, and came to a decision where he screwed me. I appealed that and the appellate court said it was within his discretion. The current proceeding deals with the same issue, so I can't appeal again.
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations - New Construction - Rentals
Apprehension of bias? I mean, you did try to kick him in the nutz twice already.
Or you gotta do what I'm really bad at: grovel in a believable manner. I hate when that happens....
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not broughtlow by this? For thine evil pales before that whichfoolish men call Justice....
Maybe the breaskfast burrito was getting in his passing lane, without a turnsignal?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Even if he wanted to run, all he had to say was, "The service change will run you $500. Anything else is T&M. Gotta go."
It's like going to McDonalds. The price of a burger is the same this week as last.
I'm tempted to do it myself, but I'm already spread too thin.
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations - New Construction - Rentals
Burrito, passing lane, turnsignal. Thats a good one!!!!
-Lou C
You should know LOL ( from what I read in the tavern)Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
He has to figure how much to add on for having to deal with YOU.