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This floating home maximizes its waterfront location with seamless indoor-outdoor living, a unique two-story layout, and a design that prioritizes light and views.
"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Ok, the B-52's are older than the pilots.....Rumsfeld wants to use the B-2's(expensive as hell, 1 hour of flight requires a 100 hours of maintenance)....Which is more effective and who is going to pay for all of this?
*...We may All pay for this......Newf......Republic of Cape Breton......Peace......All are welcome......Double plus good...
*Newf, we understand this, but THEY don't......
*A B52 is rather like a DC-3, a Twin-Otter, or a twin Commanche; it doesn't get any better, but they'll bring in a rule to screw it up anyway.
*...We may All pay for this... proving Pi's tag line -he opposite of a profound truth is another profound truth..
*Hey, Piffin, you're on the right track......Tangled up in Blue....
*...THEY have to play with their guns......I wonder what's up with that?......Be good to one another......N...
*THEY....A Simple Twist of Fate......
*Think about it.....I'm into my Dylan mood.....
*...It's Friday nite, It HURTS to Think......N...
*...In Which Tara is unbounced, and Luka gets a new home......[grin]......N...
*You got it, it hurts....
*You guys are really good....Know any Pascal numbers? You have not answered my question....Who is paying for all of this? You can post an infinite number of combinations, but, these combinations do not answer my question.....Now, we can play combinations forever..........
*...1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1......n...
*...two, four, six, eight......Who do we appreciate.....pom, pom,......oh, bother......n...
*How 'bout hexadecimal?3f+12c=16f
*The B-2's will gain a serious respect.....serious.....not as serious as a mushroom cloud, but maybe serious enough for these backwardass dumbf-cks.
*Philll:Do you enjoy being a pain in the ass?Tom
*...The dumbfucks over there or here???......Just a question......n...
*Newf-- pi is 3.14159...whatever.Surely you know that.Tom
*Tom......That would be e......named after Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler. I have another 89 pages to get you with...[grin]......n......C...
*Yeah, pi is infinite......we all know that......
*...Some people just don't like to repeat, except after beans......[groan]......n...
*F,V,E......Faces, Vertices, Edges......
*Pi,i Yeah, pi is infinite......we all know that...... That's a joke, right? Last I heard pi is a finite number.DanoI'll go ask Gabe.b ;)
*...Is this some kind of 3-D conversation???......n...
*nevermind-i surrender. See? i even gave up caps.TC
*...Pi is an irrational number( not expressible as a ratio of two whole numbers), the ratio of a circle's circumference to it's diameter......peace......Newf...
*Not 3-D, pi(D). 'Round and 'round we go.
*...Old Friends...Old friends,Old friendsSat on their park benchLike bookends.A newspaper blown through the grassFalls on the round toesOf the high shoesO f the old friends...Simon & Garfunkel, 1967
*Do you enjoy being stupid ?
*...Phill.. I'm in conversation mode, to whom are you speaking??? I'm not going to thread to find out......n...
*It was a mirror question to Tom.