Do you think is possible/wise to use drywall on a carprot ceiling? I want install can lights and a ceiling fan in the ceiling and use it as a porch. I’m comfortable working with drywall, it’s inexpensive, and looks good. Any input would be appreciated.
Make sure to use drywall designed for exterior use, such as
I think it would work OK, but I would also use a setting compound. I don't think the drying compounds would hold up for even a year.
Also I would use a gloss paint, to reduce moisture absorption.
Thanks Mark. I will look for a distributer in the Milwaukee area. I think you're right on using compound over regular mud.
I was going to say there is a drywall for exterior applications. I saw some recently ... it's purple color, I think.
How about an option? Neatly install e.g. 2x to mount lights/fan to? You could build neat wood boxes for the lights. They do make surface mount can lights. And installing a block to mount the electrical box and fan to would be easy. Is the structure pretty ugly?
truss ceiling
The ceiling/ roof structure is trusses. The carport shares the same roof as the garage so there is also the open area between the garage and the carport. I would prefer to close it in.
Yeah, use some sort of moisture-resistant drywall, and don't use the thinnest available. Standard "MR" drywall, though, has a bad rep for sagging in ceilings, so you should go with the exterior board, the "paperless" wood-fiber-reenforced board, or the fiberglass-reenforced stuff (which is probably ideal for this, if you can find it).
Sure. It's done all the time in commercial uses like the underside of bank drive ins, car dealership and hotel canopies. As has been said, just be sure it's stuff for exterior use.
I have no idea what the exterior DW costs, but if it's expensive you could consider using sanded 1/2" or 1/4" ply instead.
If using ply, I'd split the difference and go with 3/8.
Exterior rated drywall is readily available from most drywall suppliers, but not at the big box stores unless it is special ordered (premium price). I just completed a patch in an exterior canopy using exterior DW.
Use a setting compound and be sure to use 5/8" board.
Our canopiys have are 27 years old and except for a roof leak, we have never had any issues with them. We do have a narrow vent around all the edges that keeps any moisture issues above the board from becoming a problem. Keep any vent strip very narrow or put some hardware cloth up before the board is hung.. Small birds and wasp love to build nest above conopy ceilings.