Ok, I am going to have utility room on the main floor and wish it to be a finished space.
I am sure one can figure all this out, but experience advice is always nice.
What happens first? The room will have a furnace and water heater to be sure, maybe a water softener, and therefore some water lines and shut-off valves. IF I wish teh space to have some sheet flooring and drywalled walls, how is all that accomplished taking into consideration inspections? Obviously you need teh plumbing done before drywall, so how do you install a water heater, have it inspected and then go about drywalling behind the water heater? Same issue with the furance, phleum (through floors adn walls). I have some ideas, but what say you experienced builders.
Rough in.
You don't install anything until after dry wall. Just stub out the stuff that goes behind the drywall. That gets inspected at rough inspection. The installation of the fixtures gets inspected at final.
Happy to admit my ignorance on this one
I guess I did not know plumbing had a final inspection. So what you say makes sense.
Along the same lines, Do most HVAC guys come in and install all ducts and pheleums (spelling?), then wait for drywall, then come back to install the furnance?
Normally you'll have 3 plumbing inspections. Everything that's underground. Rough; everything that's going to be concealed by the walls with stub outs for the fixture supplies and drains. Final with all the fixtures installed. Normally the second 2 inspections come at framing inspection and final respectively. Underground is usually a seperate inspection shince the trenched should not be backfilled. Yes your HVAC guys should do a rough in and then finish. Finish should be the installation of the equiipment and the registers.