Have a client with aluminum K-style rain gutters that clog a lot; she has a service but would like to have less visits.
She has asked me about the type of gutter liners that are open-cell black foam that mostly fill the gutter; flush with the top. Idea is that it’s essentially a big filter; only water gets thru.
Simple ranch; ceiling plane insulated; metal roof 5/12; mostly hardwoods overhead, some pines. Little chance of ice here (east of Atlanta), really none
Anybody know about these?
I love it . So far so good. I have used them on three jobs in the last year. Very easy to install. Seems full proof to be honest I cant think of a way they would fail. I guess with some real hot sun they could break down over time but they are uv protected. Works like a charm.
Edited 3/20/2007 5:10 pm ET by AllTrade
Thanks - and for the link, too - not sure what brand they had seen.
Hummm... when I went to that web site my virus checker said I'd been infected by the "Exploit" virus - whatever that is.
So is that a rigid foam or what?
Edited 3/19/2007 10:27 pm ET by Matt
Not sure about the virus but if you do a search on gutter filter you will come up with sereral companies that make the products. It almost like a sponge that does not hold water. Try this one. I like this better than the other posters filter as there is no chance of collapse.
I saw them demoed at a home show. Seemed like a possibility, but there was something about them (that I can't remember right now) that I figured would be a problem.
I've had good luck with the snap-on plastic screens (from HD). Come in 3-foot (or maybe it's 4-foot) sections, snap onto the front edge of a K-style gutter, with the back of the screen under the shingles. A lot cheaper than the other stuff, and works pretty well.
Two styles, one with just a plastic grid, the other (better, slightly more expensive) style with a piece of plastic screen fabric on top. Somewhere around $3 a section.
Only thing is, is the gutters are ferrule-mounted, you need to snip off the snap-on edge in the area of the ferrule.
Got a sample of one too. Looks pretty foolproof, though I remember discussing it with SeeYou once. Forget what he said now cause I think it was during the PubCrawl ;-)
Unfortunately my gutters are half rounds and they don't make them for that shape as of yet.
they do make half rounds also.
I also saw the Gutterfilter at a show. Looks good. Try it and let us know your opinion. I'm tired of digging leaves out of my gutters. I tried Waterfall after a review on this site 4 years ago. I've got a box of Waterfall I'll sell cheap.....ie. junk.
J.R. Lazaro Builders, Inc.
Indianapolis, In.
I've had 'em on the test lab (my house) for about 2 years and they work great. How long they'll last (UV degredation) is to be seen.
Here's what I use:
Any that I install from now on will be done differently from the instruction manual. We've done several 1/2 rd jobs with them by cutting strips (about 2" wide) to lay in the bottom of the gutter. We tack them in with gutter joint sealant. We then lay a wider strip on top of the first and a wider strip on top of that, tacking them all to the gutter with the sealant. This effectively fills up the gutter with the product. We normally try to stretch the material by using small pieces of the first layer by cutting it into pieces and spacing them somewhat.
"We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?"
I have to be the odd man out here it looks like.
I have twice been asked to remove these things. What happens is that after about 3-4 years, they end up in the bottom of the gutter instead of spanning the top as a filter. Leaves and snow or ice I suppose is wjhat does it. Then once they reside in the bottom, they impede water flow and trap even more dsediment materials. It can be a real nasty job cleaning them out, especially once the roots grow a good network through the stuff.
So my take on it is that they still need yearly cleaning and maintanance.
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>>>>>>>What happens is that after about 3-4 years, they end up in the bottom of the gutter instead of spanning the top as a filter.That's why I fill the gutter with layers of the material rather than bending them over the top as instucted. Works for half round as noted.http://logancustomcopper.com
"We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?"
I C I've never instaled it, just dealt with problems caused by aftermath of ...Usdually my situation is that a caretaker installs it half azzed with hopes of saving himself the work of cleaning gutters, and then assumes it to be working, never checks or does anything, then a few years later, I get a call about roof leaks or moisture problems....find little trees growing in the gutter and a downspout full of trash...have I ever mentioned that I hate gutters...
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
I'm thinking that the potential problem I saw with the stuff is that the foam will collect seeds and eventually start growing stuff.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
Do the ones you do in that layered manner get a snow load on them? Trying to figure something for my Dad who still lives in snow country.
We haven't had a great deal of snow since I've been using them, but their pretty stiff if you install them in layers. They won't compress much, so I don't see a problem. Nothing's grown in mine yet either.http://logancustomcopper.com
"We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?"
One of the links posted here managed to get a virus past my protection.
"Exploit XMl Core services."
Be very careful opening the links .
It hit my Modzilla browser, McAffee reported it's presence and I was able to isolate and delete the file it was in.
Edited 3/20/2007 11:59 am by dovetail97128
I got the same virus - Norton eliminated it. It was from this link, I think.
Sorry about that link. Its most likley just spyware though. Try the other link i posted in my last post here. It will take you to the solid foam type I spoke of. No need to layer and it will keep its shape. It's the closest thing to full proof as far a gutter gaurds go. It on my home for 2 years with no cleaning or problems as of yet.
What is the price of the gutterfilter? I looked on the site but they want to call me and give me a quote....no thanks! Any idea what you paid a foot?
First off they do charge more than I think is fair but they have a good product and are getting there price as of now. Once they begin to sell to big box stores I am sure it will come down in price. I can't see how it cost this much to make and ship.
Starts at 2.50 per ft for 4K gutters high as 5.50 for commercial and the average gutter is 3.25 per ft.
When i looked into everything else out there though i could not find something
I liked for the same dollar so I caved in and bought it. I am happy I made the choice though. You can call in or fax in orders and they will ship where ever you like.
856 722 8124 is the number in NJ.