Furring strips installed wrong! Any solutions

Hi All,
my contractor installed the furring strips horizontally for our vertical siding. Everything I’m seeing is this should have been done vertically and then horizontal over it. I brought it up to him today and he said yes they could take it all down and start over but it would be easier to just wrap the house instead over the furring strips and the zip system. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?? Is this an ok thing to do? I’m worried about all the nail holes if he takes all the strips down and starts over. Any suggestions or insight would be appreciated! See picture for reference.
My thought is that if you installed furring strips vertically with another set horizontally the horizontal strips would be extremely weak where they spanned across the vertical ones. I sure wouldn't want siding attached to that.
The furring is in the correct orientation, horizontal, for vertical siding. What is your concern with only horizontal furring? If you are concern about drainage, then have the contract slope the top of each horizontal member to create slope or replace them with Cor-A-Vent instead.