Can anyone tell me if in Chicago you must have gcfi outlets in a bathroom or are the old style outlet ok if they are in existance now? I want to change the wall paneling in my bathroom and was wondering if that would effect the need to change the outlets or can I leave them alone?
I don't know and Chicago is completely different than the rest of the world on electrical codes. IIRC they are not even based on the NEC.
One of the neighbhoring cities has some of the same restrictions (no romex and limited AC cables), but based on the 93 NEC.
But NEC required GFCI is the bathrooms dating back to the mid/early 7-'s IIRC. So most likely it is also required there.
But if it was legal at the time then it does not added, unless you are making electrical changes in the room.
But GFCI in bathroom is considered a prime safety item and it is suggested that they be added even if code does not require them.
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Also be aware that you can install a (more expensive) GFCI breaker and achieve the same level of protection (with a somewhat reduced level of convenience)>