Geothermal Heat Exchange w/Radiators

Is it possible to install geothermal closed-loop heating system and use it to heat water for distribution through radiant heat system, either in floor or radiators?
Information I’ve found on internet so far is primarily about using air distribution systems with desuperheater for household hot water needs only.
Yes. We are using geothermal with radiant floors in our new house. We have a combo radiant & forced air unit from Econar. I think there are several manufacturers who make geothermal units for radiant heat. Our set up uses a hot water tank as a storage unit for the radiant.
Did your require bigger system (underground tubing/exchanger/etc) than if you'd used forced air, i.e. do you know if any less efficient to transfer heat to water than air?
I don't think it did, but I can't say for sure. Maybe an expert will chime in about the efficiency.
Have a look at the Triple Function (TF series) from this company!!
I believe water transfer has more output possibility and better efficiency, but I'm not a geo expert so someone may shoot me down there.When using radiant with geo though, I do know the name of the game is get those water temepratures down as far as you can.. lower you go, the more efficient the transfer.-------------------------------------
-=Northeast Radiant Technology=-
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