Is there a good book out there that really explains the practical,mechanical, technical, and installation of heating systems in “laymen terms”? It would be nice if it wasn’t a biased book put out from a manufacture to further their “agenda”. This might be better than constantly asking all you guys all of my “uneducated’ questions. (Maybe , in my case, I should call the ignorant questions. I can frame, roof, finish conctete, do electrical, plumbing, carpentry, cabinety, and all sorts of other things, but heating systems is definately in my bag of tricks) ;(
Thanks for all your time. -Brian
Brian, this question has come up several times before and the answer is yes...and no.
There is no "HVAC for Dummies" (that I am aware of) but there are some excellent books on the subject that cover the basics in as much or little detail as you can stand. First and foremost is the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Airconditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Fundamentals series, the Fundamentals (2001) and HVAC Systems and Equipment (2000) and HVAC Applications (1999). ASHRAE publishes 4 in the series continuous ly updating them every 4 years. The fourth is Refrigeration, which is more of a specialty. Another excellent book on the subject, and although it is published by a manufacturer, it is a textbook not a sales pitch is the Trane Air Conditioning Manual. This has been in print since 1938 and the latest version is 2002.