I had a client with a cabinet with broken hinges. One of the old hinges had a stripped screw head.
Something that I have been mean to get, but never did was a Grabit screw extractor.
So I went to Lowes and got a pair of sizes.
Those are great. For those that don’t know what it is is a small double ended “bit”. One end is left handled reamer. And the other is a Easy-Out type of end.
Don’t know how well it will work in things like hardend bolts, but it is perfect for stripped out screws.
In about 5 seconds out. Took longer to swap the bit ends then to use it.
Unlike an easy-out it comes comes with the right size bit and it is left handed so that keeps from tightening it more. And I like the tapeer on the removal end better than the easy-outs. I think less changes of it snapping.
I am going to keep on in my box of driver bits so that I have it with me when needed.
All standard disclaimers.
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Bill, I got one years ago at a clearance table for a buck, it's literally saved hundreds of dollars of my bacon<G>
Whoever it is I wish they'd cut it out but when they will I can only guess.
They say I shot a man named Gray and took his wife to Italy,
She inherited a million bucks and when she died it came to me.
I can't help it if I'm lucky.
I have them too. Great little tools.
We didn't get as good a deal as Snort ($1), but they are worth more so I don't really mind paying a little extra.
Never underestimate the value of a sharp pencil or good light.
One of the best small tools I own.
Have had them for a few years now.
Now have a set in each of my work trucks, plus a set at home.
"Poor is not the person who has too little, but the person who craves more."...Seneca
Bill -
I've seen that advertised on TV and thought it looked like a useful tool, but didn't know it could be bought in a store. The ad said it wasn't available in stores. And, I was right at a Lowes this morning. - lol
I think that it's better than the traditional EZ Out because of the reamer that sets the right angle for the extractor to get a good bite. My biggest hassle with an EZ Out has always been drilling a pilot hole so the EZ Out could get started.
Lowes has them.They used to be on a shelf hanger as a specialty item in the hardware ilse. But I could not find them.And I looked in the tool section, also.Caught the deptment manager (that was on his nametag, don't know what department). And I was not sure of the name, bu told him them that it was similar to an easyout, but had the builtin drill or reamer.He said that he did not know anything about them, but that they had easy-outs.Took me over to the tool department. They where by the drill bits, but I kept overlooking them..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.