Several weeks ago I posted to BT asking about what happens when a water company increases water pressure. I wanted to prepare for calls I may get and be able to more knowledgeably answer questions.
Here is a story that is happening in my immediate area about the massive problems the water pressure increase is causing.
Camp Hill borough sued the local water Co to stop the increase. The city knew that the water piping system was quite aged and would not be able to handle the added pressure. The water Co said too bad, literally, they were going to do it to increase service to farther out areas. Camp Hill lost the suit and the PUC ordered the water Co to proceed. This was 14 days ago. Ever since the city has had 15 water main breaks including the one that just happened about 5hrs ago. We had a major gusher this past Friday that disrupted for almost 20hrs a local shopping mall popular in the area, people couldn’t get into the mall.
The water co says this all has nothing to do with the pressure increases and that it’s normal cold weather pipe breaks. Excuse me? When have you ever heard of 15 main breaks in a city in as many days?
The city got the PUC to order the water Co to stop the pressure and reduce it pending a hearing on what to do. Here’s a case where the city was really on the side of the people this time and tried to be proactive to stop a bad thing, lost, the bad things happened, and are now vindicated.