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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Too cute, man.
Happy Halloweenie to you and yours.
*That's really cute. My son carved his own Jack-O-Lantern at Scouts last week, and they had to wear recyclable home-made costumes - a good moment. At his school they really do Halloween up big, with costume parties, movies, class-parties, and the older kids will have a dance in the early evening - more good moments.Some of the public schools around the GTA have banned Halloween because, they say, parents have complained that Halloween is a religious event that's counter to the religious beliefs of some of the families - boo hiss.
*My public school here in Cleveland had our little ones Pre-K-3 parading in their costumes......Each class had a Halloween party with so much sugar I am coming off a sugar high!!Happy Halloween, everyone...Cute Woodie, Pro......
*AARghh!!, me and Phill must be the same person, look at the post times!!heheheAnyhoo, I heard Jessie Jackson yesterday say that we should skip halloween this year for fear of candy tampering. Heinous as the idea(tampering) sounds, his statement was rebutted by a public safety official(can't remember who) that said:"We've only recieved 76 complaints ever, and the vast majority were unfounded".My brother used to make his two boys skip halloween for religious reasons. It's his perogative, but I never got it. He/they weren't even actively religious! Oh, well....
*Halloween originated to mark the beginning of winter. From ancient times through the medieval period, cold and running out of stored food killed a lot of people every winter. It was truly the season of death, so our modern candy gathering and scary costumes are descended from that.-- J.S.
*Thats one tough lil hombre pardner, my little power ranger and the two princesses are out T&Ting right now.
*If You guys are good maybe the little gobblins will give you some sweets when they get back.Woody is my little grandson in Oregon and I'm sure he'll have them all eatin by the time Papa see's him again.Ok you tikes Pro-Dek says brush your teeth and only eat 5 pieces a day- that way it'll last you longer and you might not break out in ZITZ.
*Phill, My Daughters school jumped on that bandwagon. Instead of celebrating Halloween today, they had "Dress up Day" where you can dress up as anything you want, and then they all had Dress-up parties in their classrooms, where they gave out candy. Its all the same, just different words.For Christmas they'll decorate a "Festive Bush" and place it in the lobby.
*Who does a goblin go out with on Halloween? His ghoul friend! What happened to the guy who couldn't keep up payments to his exorcist? He was repossessed! Why did the vampire need mouthwash? He had bat breath! Why couldn't Dracula's wife get to sleep? Because of his coffin! What haunts your house and clucks? A poultry-gheist! How do ghosts begin letters? "Tomb it may concern..." Why did the ghost cross the road? To get to "The Other Side"! What is a vampire's favorite holiday? Fangsgiving. What kind of makeup do ghosts wear? Mas-scare-a. Why does a witch ride a broom? Vacuum cleaners get stuck at the end of the cord. Why was the mummy so tense? Because he was all wound up. Why don't ghosts have bands? They get booooooooooed. How did the ghost say goodbye to the vampire? So long sucker! What did Dracula say after reading all these jokes? They suck! Why couldn't the Skeleton go skydiving? He didnt' have the guts. What instrument does a skeleton play? The Trom-Bone. Why did the Skeleton cross the road? To get to the Body Shop! What do you call a stupid skeleton? Bone head How does a skeleton open doors? With a skeleton key. Why didn't the ghost enjoy the party? He had no body to dance with! What does a ghoul shop for? Grosseries! Why did the vampire give his girlfriend a blood test? To see if she was his type. Whom did the ghoul invite to his party? Anyone he could dig up! Why do ghosts go to bars? For the boos! Why did the ghoul go to the cafeteria for dinner? He heard children were half price. Why do cemeteries have fences around them? Because people are dying to get in. Why did the game warden arrest the ghost? He didn't have a haunting license. How does a girl vampire flirt? She bats her eyes! What did the mommy ghost say to the baby ghost? Don't spook until you're spoken to! Why do vampires drink blood? Because coffee keeps them up all day. What do you call the ghost of a door-to-door salesman? A dead ringer! Why don't mummies take vacations? They're afraid they'll relax and unwind! What kind of street does a ghost live on? A dead end! What do you call a little monster's parents? Mummy and Deady. What's it like to be kissed by a vampire? It's a pain in the neck. What is a vampire's least favorite food? Steak. What do they teach in witching school? Spelling.
*Luka where do you get this stuff?Did you hear about the guy that goosed a ghost....and got a handful of sheet ?haha
*The internet is full of humor. All you have to do is search for it.b : )
*Still not too late on the west coast to wish you all a Happy Halloween. We spent the evening at "Trunk 'r Treat" at our church. Opened up the back of the Astro van and turned it into "Wizard Bowl". Made all those goblins bowl for their candy! It was fun, even though I was the pin setter and spent 2 hours leaning over the back seat in the dark setting the pins back in place. We even won a prize for "best use of materials" - a trip to the California train museum and dinner at Chili's for the family. Cool!
*Perhaps if we add that Samhuinn, which marks the beginning of Geimredh (winter) was also New Year on the Druid/Celt calendar - Halloween was actually New Year's Eve. The Christians hijacked November 1st as All Saints' Day and concluded that anyone who celebrated the old New Year probably wasn't a good Christian and started all those urban legends about devil worship.
*the true meaning of Hallowe'en is a religious event. As the wheel of the year turns, Samhain marks the point when the Veil between the worlds is thinnest. We celebrate by honoring ancestors and those who have already passed through the Veil. This morning I put my favorite picture of my mom on our alter, lit a few candles for her, placed a couple of her favorite things there - a Dr. Pepper, some Kit Kats...I usually get her a pack of smokes, but not this year (sorry, mom) only because I don't want my daughter to see my buying cigarettes. Made a nice dinner, set a plate for the spirits, I'll be taking that outside shortly. We also traditionally rekindle the hearth for the year on Samhain. I don't see it as being counter to other religions, just different. Anyway - here's my little one in her costume!
*Here's mine, at work yesterday; there's a little video over on Ipke, too: diddidit "Attack of the absurdly cute kid!" 11/1/01 7:27amdid
*RuthAnn,Is that that child's REAL hair? What kind of prenatal vitamins did you TAKE to accomplish that? She is spectacular looking. Where are you going to hide her ten or twelve years from now? The costume, baby, and photo are all wonderful!
*Little boy or little girl skunk? Totally cute baby skunk, and I love the attention to detail on the feet. What a sweet expression!
*Yeah, I guess it's a bit hard to tell - that's my son, Dane, in there. My mom made the costume from a plan that we picked out...did
*Pattern, constuction guy, they're called patterns in sewing! I guess you could have said blue print, but those are pink prints on that cute skunk!Please compliment your Mom, she did great work. I enjoy making costumes for little ones and I enjoyed seeing that one on the Great Dane.
*Ruth Ann,Your daughter is gorgeous!!! But since this is FHB, what about that fence behind her??? Is that copper tubing set into clear redwood 2x stock? Just curious . . .Eric
*Yeah, OK, that's what I meant! Actually, in my line of work (desk-bound en-g-nerd) I shoulda called them blueprints. Picky, picky, picky...My mom has been making lots of her own clothes since she was in high school, so there's plenty of experience there, plus she quilts at an insane pace. I keep trying to get her over to Threads...did
*Thanks!yes, that's her real hair! amazing, isn't it? especially since I have stick straight auburn hair. Her daddy's hair was that color when he was her age - I expect it will darken.Actually I couldn't take the prenatals, so I mixed a regular vitamin powder into juice. And tons of protein. two eggs for breakfast, plus meat at lunch and dinner.Are you kidding? I'm already shopping for a shotgun to keep the boys away. Unles she's like me - the ugly stick descended on me with vengence at age 9, and stayed until I graduated high school.
*Eric - yep. that's the deck we built on to the house we bought last November. The front entrance was really bad - noone even realized that the dor was even there. Plus DH wanted somewhere for Nattie to play, and the dogs to sunbathe. We sketched out plans, redrew them a couple times, each time the deck got bigger. I had seen some interesting verticals in a magazine, but they were horrbily expensive. DH came up with the idea to use the copper tubing - I love copper, so I said yes.DH dug out the slope of the yard, dug adn poured the concrete footers, then a friend came up for the weekend and helped him with the main construction and most of it was done in a weekend. He used a drill press to do all the holes for the copper tubing, then used a router along the top edge when it was in place. He did a GREAT job. Our contractor saw it and very impressed- I've seen him drive by with people and point it out. We're very happy with it. We really added onto the house's functionality and did it for less than $1000. I'll see if I can find before and after shots.
*found em.before:
*and after. still some landscaping to do (the pile of dirt is already gone LOL) and the UGH-ly light post to get rid of. Shot taken before we added the nice outdoor fireplace in the southwest corner (near right in photo)
*I propose arranged marriage...did
*Ruth Ann,Looks like a great job.Thanks for the picts.Eric
*Great pictures and stories by all- RuthAnn-Nattie "big hair is beautiful" Did- that is one cute skunk. Oh, and Ruth that deck rail looks great too, but it cost more than $1000. You forgot the (labor) hehe . Bob
*You're too old for that child, D!
*Ewww, I'm not... Ewww!I want her as a Daughter in Law!did
*heheheheheh I knew what you meant. And younger men can be very attentive, too, so it's nice you're keeping that in mind for the kids. I say go for it.
*Will run the idea past DH - =)
*well, I meant in materials. Labor was cheerfully (more or less) provided in exchange for a Roast Chicken Dinner, Lemon PoundCake with Strawberries for dessert and breakfast the next day. And a plate of brownies for neighbor Ron, who lent his drill press, rounter and years of experience.
*"Labor of Love"
*Ya know, sewing, quilting and needlework are my biggest interest, but the threads forum is (kinda boring, sshhhhh!) I think when it comes to sewing I'd rather do it than read about it. Sprout off and here are much livelier and more informative places, plus cuter guys. (I mean the little ones of course.)
*Thanks Eric! coming from one of the pros - that means a lot. I'll be sure and tell DH - he did all the work (with help). Me, I just "supervised" and made the food.
*i Why did the ghoul go to the cafeteria for dinner? He heard children were half price.LOLOLOLROFLMAO
*That is cute beyond words.
The other Woody