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Has anyone seen a post hole auger/digger like this?
And also where I might purchase one?
I tried google and they have nothing like it in this country. Over in the UK they have something similar, but I don’t want it that bad they I’d pay twice of what the tool costs in shipping.
A little background on the hole digger. I went out on a job to dig some postholes for an old lady at her farm. She asked me what tools I was going to use and I told her the usual stuff: clam shell digger, digging bar, shovel … She told me to leave the clam shell digger in the truck and use hers instead b/c it would work better.
Anyway she was paying and I didn’t mind trying something new so I used it. By the end of the day I loved this thing. It bored its way into the ground and brought the dirt do the top just like and old brace and bit. She said her dad brought it back from England when he was there during WWII and she never saw another one like it since. She also said everyone who has tried it wants to steal it so she has to keep an eye on it, but she said I could take some pics of it if I thought I could make one or find one.
So here it is
(Sorry about the size I don’t know how to make them smaller)
Pretty common. Got mine at a local hardware store
Thanks Barry, That's it!Dan has an auger similar to this. I used one years ago and it was no good in the stiff clay soils around here. Probably good in looser, sandy soils though.