I had seen an ad for a company that makes bars and columns and other major parts of very deluxe bars. They sell many brass rails and other items. I have lost the catalogue and name of the company, but I think they operate out of San Francisco.
Can anyone remember the ad it was a small display ad that ran in the back of many wood working magazines. I wish to contact them, if they are still out there. Any other links you may have to suppliers of nice stuff to use in building a very deluxe bar would be appreciated. Also looking for info on Saunas as I want to add a Saunna as well.
If you're looking for the brass parts specifically, try Outwater Plastics. They've got warehouses in NJ and AZ, and they stock all that kind of stuff. If you're looking for the wood parts for the bar, I know the company you're talking about, but the name escapes me at the moment.
I was looking for the company you mentioned but I found a great link for plans
some really neat bar plans too
High-end = Wallace & Heintz.
Phill Giles
The Unionville Woodwright
Unionville, Ontario
Great I think that is it Thanks so much.
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I saw 30 or 40 different kinds of items at this site
http://www.rockler.com for brass footrails