Help finding/using Snow melt radient hea

Hello Everyone. I’m up here in Maine and you may have heard from another topic on this forum that I am about to embark on a Portico project that is incorporating a stone landing and steps. The homeowner has asked for some snow-melt radient heat in the steps. Has any here used any products they might recommend?
Looking for something simple in design and cost effective.
Thanks for any help,Dawg
Greetings dawg,
This post, in response to your question, will bump the thread through the 'recent discussion' listing again which will increase it's viewing.
Perhaps it will catch someone's attention that can help you with advice.
every court needs a jester
Way big question - hundreds of different products - what specifically do you want to know about about? Boilers, circulators, controls, sensors, tanks, exchangers, service valves, control valves, near boiler piping, snow melt piping, manifolds, fittings, insulation, instrumentation, fluid, Btu/hr/sf, fluid temperatures, tube spacing and pipe diameter, installation method, etc...all of the above...
Do some back ground reading at these links then come on back with client expectations, size, construction details...
There are a few guys here like NRT Rob which can steer you in the right direction.
The more details you provide the better the information you'll get back.
Edited 3/21/2007 6:44 pm ET by RBean
The one company I have experience with for electric snow melting is Tyco Thermal. They have some good calculating tools on their website, if nothing else (click on design tools at the top of the page.)
Edited 3/21/2007 10:28 pm by Stuart