I sided my house with Eastern White Cedar shingles and am looking for help on how to repair them. How does one replace a shingle in the middle of the course?
Any ideas on preservation? I like that nice silver-grey color that the Cape Cod houses have. HOw can I preserve the shingles yet get that color?
John Cleveland
Maryland Eastern Shore
john .. mike maines answered the first part of your question the other day...when you first posted it..why did you repost it.. the best way to carry on a dialog is to thank mike and ask another follow up question.. now you have two threads...
< Obsolete Link > Mike Maines "HELP! White cedar shingle sidewall repair and preservation" 6/16/01 6:53pm
the only way to get the color, short of moving your house to cape cod, is to use a 50 / 50 mix of Cabots Silver Grey and Cabots Bleaching Oil.. then follow up every 4 years or so..
I sided my house with Eastern White Cedar shingles and am looking for help on how to repair them. How does one replace a shingle in the middle of the course?
Any ideas on preservation? I like that nice silver-grey color that the Cape Cod houses have. HOw can I preserve the shingles yet get that color?
John Cleveland
Maryland Eastern Shore