I am replacing several doors in my 100 year old home (interior doors). I have found this process to be more difficult than it should be. Can anyone recomend a hinge mortise kit that will work with an existing door jamb? The Porter Cable is less money than the Bosch but the Bosch claims to be able to be used on an existing jamb. For around $200 will I be able to save myself time and frustration considering there arebetween 10 and 15 doors that i will be replacing over time and possibly more.
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I've got a jig for this that I've used to hang many doors. It works very slick for retro-hangs as well. Fits are precision to the Nth degree and it's considerably less money than what you're looking at. I think I paid $60. I mail ordered the unit and can't remembeer at the moment where from. Anyway, here's the company.
Carey Template Company
9484 Chesapeake Dr. #804
San Diego, Calif. 92123
Fax - 619-268-1918
A search might turn up a website.
I bought one of those from Lee Valley http://www.leevalley.com/hardware/page.asp?SID=&ccurrency=1&page=40219&category=3%2C41305%2C41301 works fine, but it'll only last for a couple of houses.
Sorry, that's in C$, this one is US currency - $46.50 http://www.leevalley.com/hardware/page.asp?SID=&ccurrency=2&page=40219&category=3%2C41305%2C41301
Phill Giles
The Unionville Woodwright
Unionville, Ontario
Edited 10/15/2002 10:46:58 PM ET by Phill Giles
I donut know about the bosch, but the PC has accessories available to fit new doors to existing jambs.
Basically they are litttle hinge sized plates that attach to the template and allow you to get a precise match on the hinge spacing, when setting up the jig.
Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am a trained professional!
Thanks for the responses. I will look into these option later today. I don't know how to use this site yet so if it appears I have not read your post I have and I am responding to all of your reply'.
Ken (My local building inspector calls me "Joe Homeowner")
Retrofitting doors in a 100 yr old home is always a pain. I have found that most 100 yr old doors have been machined to fit jambs that have settled and that tweaking the new door to fit the old hole is the biggest pain. You might also find that doors were hand morticed by more than one carpenter and that hinge spacings and backsets might not be the same from door to door or even hinge to hinge. Resetting the template for every door and every hinge might be a possibility (and endless hours of fun !) I use the old doors to mark the new ones, freehand a router to remove most of the material to depth and finish the hinge mortice with a hand chisel. It goes suprisingly fast after the third door... or was that the twelfth door?
sometimes board sometimes knot