This question is in regard to jim blodgett’s posting from April 15.
Which read:
> “I have never bought or sold a new house. Do they come with an owner’s manual? You know, just the basics – how often to pump your septic tank (and where it is) how electrical breakers work (and where they are) how and where to shut off the well, when the roof might need maintenance, paint/stain need attention – stuff like that.”
Reading all of the responses, Jim’s specific question was answered. My question is, is there a more generic book, manual, maintenance guideline, etc., that a homeowner can use to construct there own “owners manual”. We live in a 5-year-old house, that the GC did not see fit to document much about. This is my first posting, and I look forward to hearing the responses.
As a carpentry sub, I've never built a house that came with a manual. You should have a set of plans that you should hold on to. It should show foundation cuts and wiring schemes that might be helpful later on down the line.
A house is a house and not that complicated. Your main troubles should just be plumbing. (Hot water heater breaks down, disposal gets clogged up, etc.) If you end up with big electrical or structural problems, you've got problems with the man who built the house.
There are lots and lots of books out there that tell you the how and why of how a house should be built and maintained. This would be a good source of information to someone who just bought a house and doesn't know much about how it's built.
At least with that knowledge, you can start to understand what's going wrong with your house if, God forbid, something goes wrong.
Good luck,
Ed. Williams
*Rick, you might try "The Virgin Homeowner, The Essential Guide to Owning, Maintaining, and Surviving Your Home" by Janice Papolos (Penguin). Ms. Papolos isn't a professional builder, but she had good sources, writes clearly, and obviously took the topic seriously. You will find lots of information about the book plus reader reviews at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0140274766/michaelcoleysfav/002-0418659-9673057. Good Luck, Dave
This question is in regard to jim blodgett's posting from April 15.
Which read:
> "I have never bought or sold a new house. Do they come with an owner's manual? You know, just the basics - how often to pump your septic tank (and where it is) how electrical breakers work (and where they are) how and where to shut off the well, when the roof might need maintenance, paint/stain need attention - stuff like that."
Reading all of the responses, Jim's specific question was answered. My question is, is there a more generic book, manual, maintenance guideline, etc., that a homeowner can use to construct there own "owners manual". We live in a 5-year-old house, that the GC did not see fit to document much about. This is my first posting, and I look forward to hearing the responses.