What start time for remodeling projects have you found is the most acceptable to your customers? It seems that 8:00 AM is a widely accepted standard to start making noise in a residential neighborhood. I do know of plenty of companies that start earlier than that, but I don’t know how their customers feel about it.<!—-><!—-> <!—->
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Would you say the most acceptable start time for a remodeling project is . . .<!—-> <!—->
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7:00 AM?<!—-> <!—->
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7:30 AM?<!—-> <!—->
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8:00 AM?<!—-> <!—->
It's probably going to be a compromise based on the desires of the customer, neighbors, and the crew.
If there is little outside noise, the neighbors shouldn't be much of a problem.
Personally, I find that 8:00 am usually works best. This gives the customer time to get up, have breakfast, get the kids off to school, and be ready to head to their jobs
I prefer to start at 8:00 AM....no heavy duty bangin' though till closer to 8:30.
Show up.....get the days game plan going....make a material list for the day....set up tools and such.....and the start rolling.
Most of my jobs are in residential neighborhoods. While most folks are up and about before 8:00, it's still nice to allow them a little extra quiet time as they start their day.
In fact....on a majority of the projects I do, most of the "Moms" are just finally getting into the shower at around 8 after sending the kids off to school.
J. D. Reynolds
Home Improvements
Pp, Qq