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Framing the floor inside a crawlspace foundation keeps a gable-end addition close to grade.
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When you get drunk before breakfast it takes more than that to drive em' crazy.
Actually, if you really want to screw with them, tell 'em you don't want texture.
Remodeling Contractor just on the other side of the Glass City
The job in the picture has smooth walls and hand textured ceiling. Ooooh Yeah!
Looks like they made nice work out of it. Never seen any drywall guys "miter" their corners. Probably had to in order to catch th nailers.
The best reward for a job well done is the opportunity to do another.
Good hanger and a good taper too...helps that the framing is well done to start with.
I've done some weird things and usually ended up framing and hanging the board-sometimes finishing. Looks good in the end, pain to do, time-consuming.
How was this one done? as far as laying out? Some I've gone close with the rough wire, then sheeted the flat. Next step-plot it out on the floor and transfer the lines up on the ceiling. Run the can wires that were stubbed out of the flat.
Gotta be damn right on if that follows the cabs............which don't appear to be any walk in the park.
A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
My sheetrocker told me he would hang and tape my little addition but could not cut the skylight shafts, He said the angles were to tough for him???? So i hung the shafts for him. Never heard that before but hes a good taper.
Wicked!I used to work for an outfit that never did new construction, so maybe some of our methods were a little different, but:We always did any bulkheads after the cabinets were installed, done by the same guy who installed the cabinets. He always made the bulkheads out of MDF, and scribed the face of the bulkhead to the ceiling. I can see how that's not necessarily everyone's cup of tea. Just his preference, maybe, but with some of our crazier layouts it ensured that the bulkheads were dead on.
Nice looking job. I've seen more holes in a ceiling but those are plenty enough. Hope it's nice, square and level for ya.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match