Well, I guess Im really in business for myself today.. I got my 1st N.S.F. cheque returned to me today! 🙂 Woohoo! Im home now momma! Wasnt a bad sized one.. just $1200.00.
First I cried, then I got mad, then I laughed.. THEN I RAN to his bank & got the damn thing cetified. Ahh.. now I remember why I worked for other builders instead of on my own.
Laugh.. Its all part of the game I guess.. I ended up with the cash anyways so just chalk it up to experience.
God Bless ya!
Sorry I'm still a virgin.... Whats this about "certified"?
I've got a few Italian friends that funnel me work and haven't had much problems collecting : )
*Had one of those once, rubber check that is. the guys brother had to bail him out and pay me. lucky me.
*i Whats this about "certified"? Might be a Canadian thing that you can only do to a cheque but not to a check. b : Þ
*had a few of those, usually call the writer, offer to sell it back to them for face value plus any handling fees, if they do not want it and don't have a good excuse its off to the court house to file lien and check gets turned over to the d.a.
*I only got one in my life. Only $50.I ran it through her bank four times before they told me to stop trying. Meanwhile the overdraft charges cost her more than the original check. I was on my way to the DA when she got me some - cash that is.
*In Canada ( I assumed everywhere) a certified cheque is the same legally as cash. You take it to the bank it was written on & they certify that the monies there. What they actually do is take the money from the writers account & put it into a trust account & re-issue the cheque back to payee with the new account number on it. I found out though, its not good policy to go & certify a cheque. Makes the writer think you dont trust them. Geesh. What a crock.One thing many people dont realize is that IF someone issues you a cheque & it DOES come back NSF you can take it right down to the local police type peoples & they go after the writer. Its fraud. My parent had a grocery store & man did WE get a lot of bad cheques. We took the stack to the police once a month & almost ALWAYS got our money.. They even issued a warrant for a guy that had moved hundereds of miles away. He called us a week later & sent us a money order. All for like $30. One catch to the whole thing. If you took the cheque post-dated it loses the fraud protection. Then its a civil matter because you extended credit. But if the cheque is no good the day it was written it's fraud baby.. go get em!God bless ya!Ted
*How can they certify a check by taking funds out of the writers account if they didnt have the funds in there to make the check good in the first place? I have been in several businesses before construction and I can tell you first hand the police or D.A. here have a lot of things higher on their list than bad checks. The worst are people who open accounts and get checks and a drivers liscense with some hotel or month to month apartment as the address. You never find them. Luckily i havent gotten any bad checks in the construction business.
*Ted, same thing here in Naples, FL. Our police dept. and Prosecuting Attorney's Dept. come down hard on those people passing NSFs. To them it's a serious offense, and I'm glad. It is probably due to the many businesses here and the clout of the business owners. LIke you said, it's fraud.
*Ah the wonders of Texas law.Here, if a check issued for services bounces, OR a person writing a check for services cancels it, we file "Theft of Services" charges against them. No DA trying to collect NSF funds. It is THEFT, and is treated no different than if you walked in a store and stole something off the shelf. A real eye opener for some. If you have a problem with the service performed, your only recourse is through civil court (you gotta sue the person providing the service). I have never received a hot check in this business, but used to get several in my automotive business. I ALWAYS got my money within a few days of pressing charges. Cops usually tell the people they have two choices - go make good IMMEDIATELY on the check, or go to jail for theft. James DuHamel
*What we have is better than most, but I like the approach Texas has even better. Theft it is!
*Although the terminology is probably different, we can indeed certify a check in the U.S. Instead of sending it through the bank again and again, if you have a reasonable suspicion that a deposit might have been made to the account (on Fridays, or perhaps the 15th or 30th), call the bank branch the check was drawn on, and ask to verify funds on a check. Simply state that you have a check written by ......, account #......, in the amount of $...... While they won't tell you the account balance, they will usually say that the check is either good or not. If it is good, immediately go to the bank and "hammer the check" - (slang for asking them to replace the customer's check with a bank check). There are typically no fees to you for this transaction. Even if the bank won't verify funds by telephone, they will do it in person- a time consuming pain, but it improves your chances of getting your money.
*The point is that they wont certify a cheque unless the funds are there. If you put a cheque into your account here & it comes back for any reason it HAS to be certified before your bank will process it again. So you either go & certify THAT cheque or have the person write you a new one.Reading some of the other replies I guess in the states you can just keep trying to deposit the cheque? Can't do that in Canada. Ontario anyways.God Bless Ya!Ted
*James- I like how you TEXANS deal with these matters. So tell me, when they go after these guys that write the bad checks, are the orders to "SHOOT TO KILL" or what?........ I can see it now,"BANG... BANG... STOP OR I'll SHOOT." ;-)
*Dale, No, they don't shoot. Sometimes I think they should, but they don't (sigh)....Everybody - I ain't talking about just any hot check. I am talking about a check written for services performed. This is basically labor. Once the labor has been performed, it cannot be returned for a refund. There is no physical property involved, so there can be no returns. Civil court must deal with the issue once the service has been performed unsatisfactorily. If you do the labor, they gotta pay! I love this system.James DuHamel
Well, I guess Im really in business for myself today.. I got my 1st N.S.F. cheque returned to me today! :) Woohoo! Im home now momma! Wasnt a bad sized one.. just $1200.00.
First I cried, then I got mad, then I laughed.. THEN I RAN to his bank & got the damn thing cetified. Ahh.. now I remember why I worked for other builders instead of on my own.
Laugh.. Its all part of the game I guess.. I ended up with the cash anyways so just chalk it up to experience.
God Bless ya!