I have a question of general interest in regards to insulating the walls of an old character home. The wall is comprised of limestone or double-brick exterior, 3/4 inch strapping with original lathe and plaster on the interior. Presently uninsulated, however the effective R-value of the wall is approx. R-7. Energy effecient building guidelines (and many codes) recommend R-20 for above grade walls in my area.
I am looking for thoughts, ideas, or recommendations on the best way to retrofit this home from the interior and/or the exterior to achieve the R-20 insulation value, as well as anyting else I should consider before undertaking such a project.
How'd you come up with R-7 for a stone wall?
masonry in general is rated at R-1 for eight inches.
I'm thinking sprayed on polyurethene foam is yoru answer, but can't see al the details from here. It is rated at R-7 per inch, more or less
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Yah - I don't think the stone provides much r-value on its own .. its ~R1 per foot, but that's solid. In Dbl brick, you have brick - air space - brick - studs (air) - and then the lath and plaster. There's a computer program I use at work and it spits out an effective value of R7.1 for double brick; R6.35 for a limestone wall (24").
Spray foam will work I suppose ... thought there might be some other options. Thanks anyways.