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Skim-coating with joint compound covers texture, renews old drywall and plaster, and leaves smooth surfaces ready to paint.
"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Sure... take away our toys just before the weekend.
Now what?
Open a Beer?
Steam up some Clams... mebbe a Lobster?
Grill a Steak?
See if the new Porter-Cable Plunge Router really does work as a blender?
Geez. There goes all the fun.
*Y'know, your quip about using a router as a blender makes me think of my buddy who describes shapers as being the Cuisinarts of woodworking tools. Have a safe weekend. Remember your meds.Andy
*My Dewalt cordless makes a serviceable backpacking mixer, easier than a whisk for whipped cream or beating eggs whites. My wife and I met on a gourmet backpacking trip 7 years ago. I brought ice cream sundaes cooled with dry ice and (with the help of some friends,) a portable hot tub. Got later versions down to 90 pounds. Got my limit of 60 razor clams during yesterday's low tide, so it's clam chowder for us.
View Image © 1999-2000"More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly." Woody Allen
*Joe, The first thing I thought when I saw the UBC2000 post was "This is an ad". There were no replies to it & I though of responding to it with a "Get your ad out of here" but didn't. Then lunch time it had a couple of interesting comments, still an ad but interesting. While it did bother me that someone was using a fake ID to advertise, I thought the replies made it worth putting up with. On the other hand, while Ken is definitely running a free ad, it doesn't bother me at all....it doesn't strike me as being a real commercial type of intrusion. And it might be, (short of a paid ad in Fine Woodworking) the best way to find the sort of person he is looking for. Ol' Seven Finger Lawrence did a bit of casual advertising too, that didn't bother me either.Seems like everytime my new issue of FHB or FWW comes there's a bit more advertising than the last one, so I don't guess it's really ads per se that Andy objects to, just the taking advantage maybe? Joe HPS: as to powerful vs powerless, why AlGore's your guy!! He's gonna save us all from those greedy special interests like the NEA & Occidental Petroleum & the AFL-CIO. Whoops! Silly me, wrong powerful special interests.
*Joe, It's really not about whether or not you or I like it.
View Image © 1999-2000"More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly." Woody Allen
*Well, I think it was this topic I posted to (and now it's gone; never saw any replies if there were any).Why is this being called an International Code? I don't think there is any chance at all that Canada will adopt it, and other countries are even farther apart in building practice than Canada and the US.
*An ad is an ad is an ad...no, I don't think that's true. Kim's ad is really a "personal" and one could argue that it belongs in the "Help Wanted-Work Wanted" thread, but I don't believe it's the kind of advertising the sites content policy prohibits. There can be only one taker. Lawence's offerings really amounted to networking, which really defines a lot of what goes on here. If memory serves, Gabe has probably sold some cork here and there...but only in response to inquiries.I didn't see the 2000 IBC post, but previous posts that have been deleted were ads promoting a given product to everyone and written seemingly by a "salesman". I recall one deleted post because Andy(?) commented that he knew the poster was employed by the company that made the product that the post promoted. But the poster failed to reveal their interest. I thought that was appropriate.I also think there is some legitamacy to the idea of "if the poster is known it's ok, but if the poster is not known, it isn't ok." Cripe, a lot of people were unhappy about the innocuous banner at the top of the page when it first appeared. Doi wereally want to be sorting through the interminble "advertising posts" that would certainly start appearing if Andy wasn't deleting the ones that do.As for the "power" issue, of course Taunton has the "power", it's their board. Personally, I think they've maintained a light touch in the twenty months or so I've been around. I don't understand why that's an issue.Therei isa lot of gray in the world. An ad is not (necessarily) an ad. But one that is isn't welcome in my book.Rich Beckman
*My apologies to KIM, another brain cell jumped ship I guess. And to Joe, you're right, selective enforcement is a problem. I looked at the two examples as being completely different, you see them as being essentially the same. I believe we are both right in our own ways. I guess the bottom line is it's Andy's call on this one, we are his guests. It is an interesting subject, interpretation of the rules both Taunton's and Building Codes, International or Intergalactic or CyberSpace.Joe H
*Joe F., I agree. Absolutely. It is an ad. Perhaps less commercial, but nonetheless it is advertising for a business transaction.I was surprised to see it. Also surprised it wasn't flamed.It should be gone.Unlike a "personal" ad, this is for a monetary transaction. I suppose that's where I'd draw the line.I was also stuck by the hassle of being a wordworker in NYC...I just figured everone had a shop in a garage, basement or outbuilding.Andy, no ads means NO business period. Keeps you away from the powerfull-powerless question, no?Adam SIs ad+ad=add ? or did I ad wrong?
*Looking at "imad naffa"'s email address, his/her suggested links, and recent posts, it seemed a thinly veiled effort to push his/her company's product. Should I start advertising my engineering services in this forum? I hope not. I'm glad Andy zapped "imad naffa" for pushing their products. And as for his/her claim that "the entire country will be using ONE building code for residential construction" - building codes are no more standardized/monopolized than pro-westling leagues, automobiles, or bra sizes. There certainly are great benifits when UL Labs, VHS, Windows, standard gauge railroad track, or 120-volt AC becomes the de-facto standard. But with 50 states, 3200 counties, 100,000 cities, and many vested interests; it ain't gonna happen with building codes.
View Image © 1999-2000"More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly." Woody Allen
*Don't kid yourself David. I didn't see the original post, and don't really care to but I do believe that the first steps toward the one building code are already taken.blue
*No Rich,I've only answered questions and given out a couple of samples for people who have never seen it. I have never sold one square inch of flooring to anyone on this board nor do I want to encourage this. If anyone wants to discuss flooring I ask them to use Email instead. I speak out against anyone you tries to use this board as their private sales gimmick, ask Gene.Gabe
*For whatever it's worth, NC is scheduled to adopt a flavor of the 2000 IBC in 2002.And by the way - ZAP the adds... i All the adds!
*Joe, yes I agree that's an ad. Thanks for pointing it out. As you might guess by my somewhat spotty enforcement of the site rules, I don't have the time to read every post. Since Kim is a regular here, I will do him the courtesy of an e-mail asking that he take it down. If he doesn't, I will. I simply deleted the other fellow's because I didn't recognize his name, and it appeared to me that his reason for visiting was to post ads. It's a judgement call, and I suppose the ability and responsibility to make such decisions gives me a measure of power. My point about power was only that I don't view it as an end in itself. Sometimes it's a tool, but it isn't one that I take pleasure in using.Hope you're enjoying the weekend.Andy
*Joe, I can't resist, even though I should:>Where do I start?<>Andy
*You're mean Andy! Why are you working on this fine holiday weekend?I just forgot to shut down my computer this morning and decided to fly through my new messages. NOw, it's off to do some thing totally useless! blue
*Blue, working for FHB doesn't feel like work. I'm still so thrilled to be a part of this that dividing my time from Taunton's time ain't easy. Signing off, Andy
View Image © 1999-2000"More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly." Woody Allen
*Joe, your point is taken. Two of my goals here are to take as few actions as seems fit, and to act fairly when I do. I'm not perfect, (chorus of agreement rings out through cyberspace) but I'm always willing to explain my reasons. I know that you've disagreed with me in the past, and I appreciate your criticisms. Andy
View Image © 1999-2000"More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly." Woody Allen
*Hi Guys, Andy did write to me and ask me to remove my post - I did so and am happy to comply with his request. This forum belongs to Taunton Press and I post here at their pleasure.When I posted my "ad" about shop space I admit to having a tinge on conscience. I justified my actions by saying that I'm a regular at Knots, a contributor to Fine Woodworking, and an author for an upcoming Taunton Press book, who everyone knows. My phone number is published on my website the URL of which is included on all my posts so I can be accountable for anything I do or say on the forum. This forum offers me a convenient way to reach a lot of other pros and wanna be's. So I made the post because it was addressed to other pros rather than potential clients. I would never make a post trying to sell a piece of furniture. But I agree with Andy - it is an ad. I am trying to sell something if only to one other person. So now that I've made my position clear please don't use my name to buttress either side of the argument.Best to all,Kim Carleton GravesCarleton Woodworking
*Thank goodness advertising has been kept out ... so many newsgroups are infested with it. And remember folks, the perfect is the enemy of the good. Andy doesn't have to be simplistic to be fair, and that he feels obliged to explain himself shows once again his appreciation of his responsibility.
*(gag) (retch) "I'm so thrilled..." Coming up for your annual review Andy?? :)Just jealous ... -- ad
*Andrewd, it's a sicknes with me, what can I say.Joe, thanks. All I can do to fix the problem is to make those with the requisite technical skills aware of it. I'll do that first thing Tuesday.Andy
*So, Joe, no response to Andy's post # 17? "No colored text, no logos, no profanity" Don't you recognize yourself? I'm not trying to stir up trouble, I know you have been posting here a lot longer than I, but I thought all the posts here became the property of Taunton. Then you start with your logo and copyright and colored text. What gives? I'd like to hear from both of you on this, Joe and Andy.It seems to me that if you set a standard you should stick to it . Joe, you stated it, but clearly violate it. I haven't seen you try to sell anything, but you obviously feel the need to set yourself apart from the rest of us, and I have to wonder why? To benefit some future venture?This sounds a lot nastier than I feel, really I'm just raising the question.Steve
*Steve G,
View Image © 1999-2000"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich W. Nietzsche
*Joe, perhaps you're right and I don't get it . Your post #12 says"This action should be governed by a simple rule, no ads, no logos, no colored text..." You seemed to be stating some rules here and it was to those I was refering.You do post a lot of good stuff, and you deserve to get what ever credit is due you for it . Anything you could do ( short of a 2x4 over the head) to straighten out my mounting confusion would be appreciated.One more question, who is the monster and who is becoming?All is written in the spirit of fun, Steve
*Well done Kim... and best of luck.
*Steve G,
View Image © 1999-2000"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." Friedrich W. Nietzsche
*Joe, thanks, I understood the first part, It was the " possible rules" that had me confused, I thought you were quoting BT rules.Steve
*As an aside for Mac users, if you'd like to block connection-slowing banner ads, flashing/colored text, logos, and other repetitive distractions, there is a shareware utility called "WebFree" that is quite efficient. It reports having blocked some 4,000 ads for me in the last month. I just couldn't take the wasted time any more, though I'm bummed that the inevitable failure of banner ads may doom the "free" internet.P.S. Is Taunton still featuring an ad on its discussion boards? I wouldn't know...
*> Is Taunton still featuring an ad on its discussion boards? I wouldn't know... None today. Not sure when the last time I saw one was....Rich Beckman
*Just saw a carbon copy of the ad that started this thread over at jlc. Posted today. Apparently this Imad Naffa character is really plugging his product. Wonder if he is responsible for all the "unavailable" calls on my caller ID every day. :)Later. LJ
*Forget the routers/cordless drills/etc, etc. Ya' all need a b REALmixer: http://www.totallygross.com/index.html This is how we do it out in the Northwest..... Sam