I am about to begin replacing all the interior trim in my house. It was built right after WWII by someone who apparently liked Craftsman bungalows and built a sort of simplified version. I want to make it more like a bungalow by building built-ins in the living and dining rooms and using clear vertical grain Douglas fir interior trim, 1×4 for doors and windows, 1×6 for baseboards. But the only stock I can find in those sizes locally and online is S4S, 5/8 thick and all edges rounded. Apparently this is intended for interior trim. But I always thought you had to have a flat face to go against the jamb and the wall surface. If I plane one side to eliminate the roundovers the thickness will be only 9/16″ or even 1/2″. What do interior trim guys use — 5/4 stock?
Edited 1/6/2008 12:26 am ET by meanders
s4s doesn't typically have eased edges. Check for a millwork company or a stair builder.
rirealo, My local yards here in Oregon carry s4s that does indeed have the slightly rounded edges. True square edge stock is a lot harder to find here.
They can't get your Goat if you don't tell them where it is hidden.
I would think this is to keep the stock from getting damaged in the yard. Alot of guys want the nice crisp corners, me included. Its hard to keep the edges sharp when people pick through it in the yard.
Thats all these guys do is moulding and they will make it to order.http://www.worldofmoulding.com/
Thanks for the tips. I looked at a variety of mill suppliers and lumberyards in southern California, and at west coast mills that sell online, and all the S4S I found had rounded edges. My local lumber yard (a large building supply chain) says they stock it for interior trim; theirs is all rounded and they called their vendors and couldn't even order it without rounded edges.
Milling the edges is smarter than planing the thickness! And I'll check out the wwpa and the millwork suppliers mentioned.
Mike Anderson
You have to look for a different supplier. It always helps if you fill in your profile with your location. One resource is the WWPA.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Joint the outside edges. You'll lose 1/8" - 3/16" in width but no one will be the wiser. Geez don't plane the thickness!!!!
Probably intended for porch decking rather than interior trim. Find another supplier and don't rule out buying reclaimed lumber.