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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Sorry for deletion - typo - didn't make sense.
I was saying "Or even useful info in addition to usefull info".
*This thread is dedicated to flaming....Since it is, I wonder if it will end up being all about ideas on how to weaterize a home!!??
*Bill...I saw my typo but didn't see any edit key for topics....Have you seen my silly attempt to fillibuster the out of control situation on the main board?...I'm amazed at the audacity of the bully boys to go after the sysop....If they make me sysop, there would be no censorship, I would just close access to flamers for a period...(time out, they call it for kids) My final take on this is b Taunton owns the board.
*Patrick....Talk to me here about your need to rip Fred up....Also...I think you misunderstand like Fusco why I like Fred...No I do not like it when he flames and bullies all of his attackers...It's is fun when Joe starts out to watch the rediculous non mature behavior but all goes South when Fusco gets back up....I really am interested in what Fred says about building methods, what is failing and how to correct or build correctly to begin with...It seems that those of us with the most interest have seen similar situations that Fred runs into...And I happen to live in the same area as Fred so my conditions are the same making any idea he has that works valid for use where I live...Patrick...I'll buy your beer for awhile in the tavern even if you have to be a pain in the rear around here...cause I know someday it'll be worth it..Love and peace..to a simmering flame sorta future around here...near the stream grabbin more lobsters,aj
*Here is a very miniscule but useful item: I bought one of those foam guns Fred wrote about in FHB. I'd never even seen one before. It is absolutely one of the most useful tools I own.
*yeh, that's a fact jack... Fred has a lot of good stuff, i keep trying to pry it ouhtta him, but then i see that little condescending bit and i have to bite my tongue..i'm looking for a discourse and a net gain in knowledge and i get dissed instead..oh well..ya want some mussels as an apetizer for your lobsters?
*Mussels and if any buddy cares to bring some swordfish....near the stream getting hungry!aj
*Am I missing something here? Why has everyone got the wind under their tail this last couple of days?Steve
*.... Steve.. its all AJ's fault .. he said he was leavin and would be back in the fall.. and everything went downhill friom there..go figger
*I was looking for some insight, too. Buy he used a bogus example to explain his theory, then said I was a close minded whinner when I questioned it! Oh well. My loss. Anyway, I see the point of trying to seal the attic floor to keep moisture out, but in an old leaky house where the homeowner isn't interrested in spending money to completely seal everything, wouldn't it be best to vent. not so much for the moisture, but to keep warm spots from developing, which in turn breeds ice damming? Don't know, just a question.Here's a thought that hadn't been brought up before( I don't think so) I had a friend that has Ridge and soffit venting. He thought he needed more venting( how that was determined I don't know). So he cuts in Gable vents. Now I do know that's a no-no....now ya got a cross draft situation and the two venting systems cancel each other out. I told him to check the soffits from inside the attic...they were blocked with insulation! Suggested baffles. And close up the new gable decorations! Jeff
*Spring Fever!
*Jeff - I can only speak from my own experience with an old leaky house (actually second). I personally found it much easier to seal the second one than I did to vent the first - and cheaper. A day in the attic and a $100 worth of materials will do a lot. It also saves money every day I have to heat. I don't believe you have to seal everything - just the boundaries where the pressure is greatest - which is the top.Bill
*AJToo bad you hid this over here, I mighta seen it sooner!!The short answer to your querie is that I can't stand hypocrisy or hypocrites. . . Fred is a professional at it and you dabble in it.You say you i ". . . do not like it when he flames and bullies all of his attackers."but he seems to consider anyone who i dares to question his statements as an attacker and you often support his attacks, by joining in, while pretending to sit on the fence... this I have referred to in the past as youri on-the-fence-off-the-fencegadfly approach. . . and this too is hypocrisy Jackie.You also borrow his tactic of joining me up with Joe. For the most part I don't like Joe's flaming either, and have told him so. ..publically and privately. .. but if you think that Joe and I, or anyone else for that matter are teaming up by design, you would be very much mistaken. I only joined a flame war between the two of them once, when it was being heavily tilted by Fred and his cronies, including you, and only in an attempt to offset some mind numbing spin and slimy character assasination.. . otherwise I stay strictly out of their wars.I too find some of Fred's musings to be interesting and informative, but lose patience very quickly when he refuses to answer pointed questions, no matter how civily worded! I've got no use for condescending sarcasm! By comparison, whenever I ask GeneL a pointed question, I get a civil answer with footnotes and referrences. Gene and I continue a private corespondence on building matters.But above all else. .. Fred twice lately accused me of lying, but was too cowardly to back it up with even one example. .. on that issue alone, I'm not nearly finished with him!! And a wheedling obsequious email like I got from him once before isn't going to fix it!!> *****i "I'm amazed at the audacity of the bully boys to go after the sysop....If they make me sysop, there would be no censorship, I would just close access to flamers for a period...(time out, they call it for kids) Hmm.. . almost sounds like bafflegab.. . but not from our Jackie!!-pm
*Patrick...Sacred aj tosser!!!...I'm in flames!!!!I like my title...semi-fence sitting gadfly, near the stream,ajBTW-You're impossible to dislike and you know it to(o)...Cheers
*I'm not sure what I'm getting into here but I would like to know if anyone has info on a system of super insulated construction called "Adirondak Homes out of New England. I have been building for fifty years for everyone else & now it's my turn. I thought Adirondak Jack might be in the neighborhood. Well, I tried.Gene K.
*GeneNice try. ..but no stogie. The only way to get anything outa AJ is to approach from an oblique angle. Ya see AdJack ain't his name, or his locale...like many of us here, he's a retired A/C installer, now golfing in Palm Springs. Studies Zen and the art of boilermakers. Ya might try a Haiku, he loves em.>Now it is my turn>I have built for fifty years>Adirondak homes?
*i the house that i build this yeari i have contemplated for 50 more.....i let us begin....
*Alternative Energy Homes...out of Edinburg, NY....I also have a good friend who builds a similar home of his own design...near the stream, in the Adirondacks,aj
*Sorry MikeyNo stogie for you eitherHaiku: 17 syllables / 3 lines. . . 1st line 5 syll., 2nd line 7 syll., 3rd line 5 syll. . . also points for enigmatic references, and evocative allusions.> A tree falls alone> Leaves die to feed the needy> The journey is home-pm
*i the melons that you stole last year,i this year, i plant upon your grave,i my son.......Basho?wakari-mas?
*Bravo! Bravo!This board is a never ending source of information!Mikesan, Anatawa baka desu ne?Ok, ok, let me try, lets see 5, 7, 5, enigmatic references, and evocative allusions, got it: >This dusty old house>Moisture drips in the attic>Vent or insulate
*hai! (.)man, i wish i knew what u just said...my japanese consisted of Richard Chamberlain and a very nice exchange student......
*Not sure what I said. Just repeating what I heard a cab driver in Tokyo yell at me when I stepped out into traffic before the light changed. Seemed appropriate. Not sure your response was!
*Scott 'n MikeysanYour taxi driver just wanted to know if you liked dog meat.Dozo, arigato.> Dripping stains the paint> A puddle forms at my feet> Knowing spreads a smile
*nite ,Scott...nite, Patrick....
*HAIKU-----SmaikuI don't feed venemous creatures what they want.It only gives them the strength to bite harder.Would it be possible, kind sir, to have an E-mail address for Alternative Homes in Edinburg N.Y.or your friend's whereabouts?You people are crazy; I think I might just enjoy this chat??????group.Gene K.
*YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!You are going to teach my husband poetry!!!!Don't give up! G. Koch's wife
*Gene....I haven't been near Edinburg for a couple of years and can't seem to find AES in the phone book...Email me with what info you need from them...and I'll see what I can do if anything...near the stream,aj
*Gene Koch.. i been rereading yur post tryin to figger how i cud twist it into somethin that offends me... but no seega...as P.M. wud say...nope.. ya wants ta fight , yur yust gonna have to cum right out & insult somone by name....it usually gets the desired response...anyways....howdy
*aj & Mike S.I come from the George Carlin philosophy school that you can't really know a person unless you back them into a corner. It's like when you fall in love & you try not to fart or have your nose visibly drip & it takes awhile to get thru all the games to find out you really didn't like her anyway. Love can be very time consuming & anything that can can cut the chase a little bit helps. I did however get straight A's in sarcasm & I will try to get involved in your flame wars & lowku as we get better acquainted. You sound like an intelligent bunch for construction people??????At the risk of breaking the thread I will synopsize,for those who care , what an Adirondak system is & we can move on to better things.A silica sand bed under cellar as heat sink. Whole house is wrapped with double 2" polyisocyanurate with a 2 X 3 between. Each joint is caulked & duct taped. Then the siding is applied. The roof is the same. This gives max R's. In the center is a fire place or airtight burner & there are 2 grills at the ridge that go to the cellar where 2 squirel cage blowers run the air thru the sand bed constantly. No stratification & the temp is the same everywhere. Yes you do get adequate air exchanges. A 3,000' house in Ohio heats with less than a cord of wood a year. Any questions, class? That's probably more than you want to know about my original question.My E-mail is ([email protected]). This is to indicate that I am a lic. pyrotechnician, & I make some homemade wine. IF I'm going to waste my time with hobbies I might as well have fun ones, Hic,hic. BUUUUUUUURRRP!!!! Thanks guys.
*Gene Koch....shud i call u GeneK, er Koch, er what.... don't wanna get into a Mike, Mike , Mike.. thing.. hard eeenuf insultin people without insultin the wrong one by Accident.. or u can just throw it out there and anyone who takes offense must be guilty....what u just said.....i resent that...i think...or was it... i resemble that ... i thinkany how , not to worry, you'll fit right in.. there's always rooooom for another A**H*lE with some half-baked opinions and an over active ego..let's see.... it's so hard to go thru the thread in sequence... did u say you've ACTUALLY BUILT this ADIRONDACK HOUSE?.. or yur yust in love..?les see yur credentials , man
*Last time I talked to AE Homes the guy said he uses much less sand under the slab...just enough to bury the duct work...Still can't find his info...I think he changed his company name...near the stream,aj