I have noticed when I stand outside my house that I can hear a scratching sound inside the cedar siding. It sounds like fingernails scratching at it from the inside. Are these termites?
My first thought is to get a stethoscope and hone in on the location then drill a small hole and spray inside. Should I just call Terminix with whom I have my termite bond (a worthless ripoff as far as I can tell)?
Thanks in advance.
Jon Byrd
i've heard the sound before..
when we were doing a walk-thru with my customers.. just before they hung the blueboard..
...i walked over towards the source.. in theis house we had 1" of polyiso foil-faced foam on the outside with 1/2' ply over that...
.. i took out a jacknife.. and cut a little square right in the middle of the sound... and out came a whole buncha little guys with hammers and saws.. lottsa saws..
they were carpenter ants... and the exterminator was there the next day.. and twice a year ever after..
they built in the middle of a piny woods...
that noise is the sound of the carpenter ants jaws closing around your expensive cellulose as they build their nests...
b but hey , whadda i no ?
*Jon,We've had both kinds of termites and never heard anything. Termites are tiny. I would think it would have to be a much larger bug or maybe vermin for you to hear them in the wall. Definitely call somebody!
*We have that same sound coming from our bedroom wall. Since there are no termites where we are, I have reason to believe it is a mouse.Or perhaps a ROUS (rodent of unusual size).My goodness it gets annoying; just as I'm drifting off to sleep...I think I'll drill a 4" hole in the wall, insert a shotgun, and, well... gooey kablooey. (And hope it's not poor old Timmy Tiptoes on the recieving end)Anyway, to keep it short: you've probably already thought about this but - it may be a mouse in yer house.
*Does Jon live in the fireswamp? Cool!
*I've heard the scraping/scratching sounds around my house. Turned out to be carpenter BEEs. Tell-tale was the saw dust being kicked out the holes as they chewed and dug. I get them just about every year. I spray in the holes with wasp & bee killer, then ram a 3/8" round piece of wood in the hole and snap it off flush.If you don't see the saw dust it might not be carpenter bees. I don't think they eat the wood, just chew thru it.HYTPhil
*I agree Mike, they are carpenter ants. We had a nest eating our exterior door when we were kids. We could hear that sound throught the entire house.5 gallons of gas and a match will get rid of them.blue
*Are ya feeling guilty about anything in particular?....I think it's the tell-tale heart.when I heard the sound it was a bat.Barry
*I've had both carpenter ants and carpenter bees in the pine siding of my shop. I never heard the ants but I could definitely hear the bees from several feet away and see the wood dust drop out of their holes. It's an ongoing battle...
*.. And I've had squirrels in the wall cavities and the attic. Chewed into the house through the fascia board: stood in the gutter to do it!
*What? No bird proponents? I'd guess them or the ROUS. If this is the case the shotgun may be the best bet but before firing get the "Critter cone" It's a high strength steel cone that is placed inside the wall cavity with the point facing you. Center the shotgun on the cone and pull the trigger. If your aim is good the shot should be deflected to all corners and when the boom wiffs away you should enjoy peace and quiet. Good luck, Skip
*Critter cone? Surely there is a safer way of doing this??? What about the drywall ceilings, would the pellets poke holes?
I have noticed when I stand outside my house that I can hear a scratching sound inside the cedar siding. It sounds like fingernails scratching at it from the inside. Are these termites?
My first thought is to get a stethoscope and hone in on the location then drill a small hole and spray inside. Should I just call Terminix with whom I have my termite bond (a worthless ripoff as far as I can tell)?
Thanks in advance.
Jon Byrd