I am considering buying this. Do any of you have this and would you recommend this field guide of best practices.
Many times lately I have been in situations where I need to explain to the HO how something should be done and having pictures on hand would be very handy.
And I would most certainly learn something on every page.
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Edited 1/9/2009 11:29 am ET by cargin
Edited 1/9/2009 11:31 am ET by cargin
I've got both of them. I'd say they are an invaluable resource for instructing me, who knows next to nothing. Other than what I read here of course.
You might shop around. I swear I saw a notice about both being available for something around $90 or so just before Christmas. Can't recall if it was at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or the JLC store. But it was definitely cheaper than the normal full freight version.
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Thanks for the reply.
I'll look around.
Rich lists them. I searched their site for JLC Field Guide. Hope someone asks what I would like for my birthday :-)
MacTAC is about $30 cheaper. Thanks for the link.
Worth EVERY penny, priceless, especially for refreshing ones mind and for your thoughts on showing clients how things should be done. Wonderful reference material.
Thank you, just what I wanted to know.
Almost to a fault, I want to do things RIGHT>
I have the blue book. Would like to get the red one...
Invaluable reference.
Thank you
Nothing like real life experience from a BTer as a recommendation.
No, thank you.
Actually, the thing sits in the door pocket of my truck. I go to it pretty often. Last a month or two ago to show the indignant framers how to cut the housewrap around windows and doors....
"NO X !
"Cut an I"
"Huh? That's not the way WE do it..." "Duh...."
And then they put about 16 zillion staples into it, all around the openings and across the head anyway...
Another guy I worked for--the two of us would drive the hour and a half to work on his beach house. He would have his head buried in the book the whole trip.
How would you say the JLC set compares to the Code Check series? DW is planing on getting me the Code Check set, but if the JLC is better then we'll go with that. Or, if they cover different areas, maybe I'll wind up with both someday.
apples and oranges, i think.
I've had the code check series for years as a basic reference to the codes. Note that your local codes may vary so you always want to check with your inspector b4 going with what you get from the books.
The JLC books are 'best practice' references and don't explicitly refer to the code. A detail from the 'best practice' book may far exceed the code.
So, if you want a strictly code checkin' reference, code check, obviously.
If you want details on how to put houses together, examples of different systems and practices, the JLC books.
Hope that helps.
Helps a lot!
Thank you!
I got 'em from JLC. First edition at intro price-whatever that was. 2nd was a combo offer to those that had the first. Deal again. Have you looked there? was that high price theirs?
A good reference material and example giver.A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
I copied that of JLC's website.
I like to copy and paste so that everybody is on the same page.
You have to thank Calvin for that. I "won" it at Riverfest. (Darkaluke)
Thank you for Darkaluke's copy of JLC Field guide.
Another reason to attend a Fest-we got lucky, I conned (marketing) suppliers etc out of a room full of "door prizes". That was in the Glory Years.
Don't imagine we'll have near the participation in donations this time around.A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
I have volume #1 for you free.
Pay the postage is all I ask.
Glad to see such good comments about this set. I'm just a homeowner, but "invested" in the set early in the process of getting an architect to design a new home for me. Cut the archy loose after the drawing was done and did the specs myself, relying heavily on JLC. Several folks have said my specs are the best they've ever seen. Builder I hired, who is used to working from archy specs, said mine are better, and better than those he sees come out of the name-brand archy who did my design too.No surprise there. Compare the sources.Anyhow, I plan to use it as a field guide while my build is going on. Afterward, I'll give the set to whoever's worked on my project and wants it.
I'll take you up on that.
Email me your address and I'll send the money.
$10 should cover I would think.
You have to thank Calvin for that. I "won" it at Riverfest.