What are your alternatives to doing this, when interior walls parallel joists under?
I’ve “bridged,” meaning no joists get placed under, but one is placed at each edge, so that mechanicals are readily routed up from under. Other than placing no joist or joists there at all, what are good options?
Run blocking e.g. every 24" either flat or otherwise between joists. I think technically nothing is needed (assuming non bearing), but some like more meat to anchor the wall to than simply subfloor. You shouldn't have to run joists, e.g. either side of the wall plate.
A bearing wall is a different animal.
There was just a similar discusion, got a little heated do be careful...lol. As others pointed out, 3/4'' on 16 centers is more that enough to hold most non bearing walls. If of significant length to need something I usually drop a joist right next to it, not under it. I sometimes glue down walls falling parralel with nothing to nail to for squeek purposes. I also have done ladder blocking at 48'', but with I-joist it's a pain and I feel like they are likely to move and squeek later....
That reminds me, had a youg developer(didn't realize who he was at first) walking a floor while I was waiting for under floor inspection. He was talking to my buddy, the sup, and my buddy turns with a sheepish grin to ask if I had glued down the blocks along the beams (2x10 doug fir joist) I laughed and said I would when we sheeted thinking it was just some kind of joke. He says "no did you glue the blocks as you installed them" repeating himself in response to my blank stare.
Some may think this is reasonable, but as I had never been asked this I just belly laughed, thus offending the developer who curtly asked if I had read the contract. Realizing this was not a joke I promptly walked to the truck pulled it out and read it and sure enough it said "glue blocks" So I not so patiently pointed out that in my experience to glue a block meant to apply as I was laying sheeting and if they meant otherwise they better clarify, and no I didn't do the past 5 houses and no I didn't plan on doing this one as it was already framed.
Then I asked if somewhere in the contract did it mention gluing studs to the plates before nailing....
Don't know where that came from, sorry to derail, stream of thought, getting deep....
no comment, HAHA!!
So you just missed that whole discussion, eh?
Let's see if I can recall the thread title and find it for you....
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Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
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Welcome to the
Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
Excellence is its own reward!
Ouch! That screaming by whatshisname hurt my ears.
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"A stripe is just as real as a dadgummed flower."
Gene Davis 1920-1985
Not sure what's more emotional, talking politics or construction techniques, probably the latter....