I wrote to Krylon to ask the following and or inform them of my intentions. Am I wrong in thinking that this will work. I will not do it if there is a reason not to but it seems like a good idea–or wishfull thinking. I have got to either replace two ugly but good condition tubs or something.
Anybody got any good ideas for tub renewal that I can do myself.
.Letter to Krylon
“I am about to use your Appliance Epoxy to paint two bathtubs. I will clean with Denatured Alcohol or Laquer Thinner, sand lighty,wipe with solvent rag and follow the can directions. They are enameled steel tubs. What are my chances that this finish will last for years? Please email me your opinion.”
they make a 2 part paint for tubs... I think i'd look into... I'd also acid wash and sand with an automotive wet sand paper before painting...
the 2 part paints are about the same as a marine grade paint.... if that paint can sit in the water... and stay on the hull with trash filling water hitting it at 50mph... i just have to think it'd stand up to a nice soft arse sitting on it....
what are your chances of lasting for years? how many years?
the problem with painting a tub is getting the new to bite into a porclean finish ,which is pretty tough.
one of the problems your going to have is keeping a wet edge with a spray can,unless it's a pretty slow drying day.
do you have acess to air and a spray gun?
heres how i would tackle this. first dawn dishwashing liquid soap and a red scuff pad,scrub the heck out of it and rinse well. now i'm a believer in lac. thinner so thats what i would use,again with a red scuff pad and the thinner,be sure you have ventalation or your get a free trip to la la land.
now i would come back with about a 320 grit wet paper and try and sand a little of the gloss off,good luck. when your done hit it with the dawn soap and scuff pad again. now tape it off and get some ppg expoxy primer [dp 40] and give it a coat of primer,then come back and topcoat it with a ppg white urethane and i think you will get years out of it,if nobody takes ajax to it.larry
if a man speaks in the forest,and there's not a woman to hear him,is he still wrong?
I had my tub refinished several years ago.
it's 75+ years old and had seen better days.
it cost me $235 to do it. guy acid washed and primed and
sprayed two coats of marine type epoxy.
had his own exhaust fan going in window, wore respirator.
We clean it carefully and it still looks good. to me it was cheap.
(My son is 6 and it was done before we had him, he's uses it)
Long winded way of saying that I feel its pretty risky to tackle yourself.
That said, if you decide to do it, let us know how it comes out.
I did it myself, turned out well, but i sold the house a couple years later, so not sure what's happened since.
You need to remove the drain and spray under that lip - that's the weak link. I used automotive paint (three parts to it), two coats, after prepping with an orbital sander and wet/dry paper, then primer - just like a car.