Where should I locate a new air exchanger intake vent – that is how far should it be located from the direct vent that exhausts my high-efficiency gas furnace? The limitations of my older house mean that both vents are at sill-plate level at the back of the house.
Thanks for your comments.
J. Richardson
My inspector and I agreed on a 10-foot lateral separation between the HRV intake and the direct-vent heater outlet. My outlets (HRV, heater, clothes dryer, and kitchen hood) all exhaust close to each other and away from any operable windows.
Of course, the hot air from the heater will rise, but still you'd like as much separation as is easy to do and with the intake beneath and on the prevailing upwind side if possible. Ask you inspector what he/she wants before committing yourself. -David
Where should I locate a new air exchanger intake vent - that is how far should it be located from the direct vent that exhausts my high-efficiency gas furnace? The limitations of my older house mean that both vents are at sill-plate level at the back of the house.
Thanks for your comments.
J. Richardson