I am getting ready to side my parents house and have a bostich coil nailer and need an opinion on nails. Should I use the stainless steel or the galvanized option? I am applying Fibered Cement Board. It is an older home with boards for sheathing, all structurally sound. They live in Southern Minnesota.
Your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Edited 2/6/2008 8:26 pm ET by Ebe
Galv is fine, but for any face nails,I use SS.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"Success is not spontaneous combustion, you have to set yourself on Fire"
That's why I bought all those SS nails. I blind nail with Galv roofing and use the 6d 2" SS to hit anyplace that needs a face nail.
Did you see where the guy from Oregon saw my SS thread and bought at his local Lowe's for $1.19/lb?
Time to start driving to the other Lowe's locations and see if they'd pay me to take them off their hands.<G>