Need Info RE: Icynene Insulation

Saw an entriguing product today called Icynene – a sprayed on foam insulation. Looks like a great product as it seems to be free of allergy causing ingredients (formaldehyde, borax, etc) plus it promises to block external allergens and such while providing superior insulating qualities. Anyone out there familiar w/ it or use this stuff in their own homes? The wife and I are building a new home and we’re both allergic to numerous things. It’s pricier than standard fiberglass batts but I’m willing to pay more if the product delivers. This could be promising but I need advice!!
Anyone remember how many times I've hung up this URL ?
Phill Giles
The Unionville Woodwright
Unionville, Ontario
Thanks for the url. I visited the site prior to posting this message however I wanted a perspective from actual users. No product is perfect so I'm wondering if there are any downsides to this stuff. Anyone??
there have been TONS of discussions on this product here in the last two years, try a Taunton search.
I have used it and love it. Other folks I know who've also used it all express how amazingly quiet it makes the inside of the structure (blocking outside noises) and if the whole system is designed well for it, very low heat / cool bills are possible due to the ability to seal all the tiny cracks and crevises in a building.
Downsides are cost, um, and I think that's about it. :o)
There are other foams on the market, some are open cell and some are closed cell. Open cell's advantage is that it does breathe (slowly), where closed cell is like an ice chest (no moisture can get thru it, in or out) and in either case, the whole building system needs to be designed and built to function well with a very tight envelope (internal moisture control, fresh air intake rate, and so on).
hope this helps. hope the search provides you with tons of info and contrasting opinions ;oi
So what is the cost?
I've been geting urethyne foam at about 70 cents per bd ft. Have customer with concerns about formaldehyde content.Excellence is its own reward!