My sister puts together care boxes for the military folks in Iraq. She usually makes up boxes a bit larger than a shoe box, but smaller than a Xerox box so that individual soldiers can each get their own box of stuff.
In the past few months, she has put together packages for all branches of the military, but her current group is around 60 Marines in Al-Asad Iraq (1 woman, the rest men). Her contact is a GySgt who emails her with requested items. Stuff like Chap stick, Chex mix, etc.
Sis is stumped trying to find one item: sharpening stones.
From the Gunny’s email:
>Most of us are either carrying “bench made” push button folding
>knives or the folding version of the “k-bar” so no not your average
>pocket knife. 1 inch wide blade some have serrated sections and about 6
>inch blade. So I would have to say a “small” stone depending on what is
>referred to as small might end up in cut finger tips LOL hope that made
>sense ?
Anyone with suggestions on a good, portable sharpening stone that she could get 30-40 of without breaking the bank?
“The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days.”
–Robert Leighton
Not sure what price range she's looking for, but you can find some on . Here is one that is portable and priced reasonable:
Hope this helps.
I have a Hunter Honer. Works pretty well, also is supposed to sharpen serrated edges, I just haven't sharpened my serrated knives yet. I think I bought it and some honing oil for about $10.
For non-serrated, maybe try workworking supply places for diamond cards/files?
Edited 3/20/2007 12:19 am by SBerruezo
This one?
View Image
Hmm, $144 for 12 would $432 for 36 of 'em. I doubt she'd want to spend $4-500 on knife sharpeners. But looks like they've got the required portability.jt8
"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days."--Robert Leighton
Thems the one. Being as it's for a cause you might be able to work out a deal with the company or a distributor. I figure it would be a great marketing ploy for them, if they can claim to supply/support our troops. Might even be able to get them free.
Can't say I would blame her for not dropping $400+.
I would not be wearing a orange target like that in Iraq!
Mine's black, but I agree with you on that.
These would be best for non serrated edges.
Better for serrated edges. 2.76 ea
There is a bazillion stones and sharpeners at this site. They may give a discount if they know the story where they are going.
The Fiskar company is a great company and I bet if she contacted them personnnally they would probably donate the sharpeners.
They also have some tough pants that do well for work.
"Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."
~ Voltaire
Stopped by the today to see if any stragglers were there. Sure enough, an envelope from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Thank you to the anonymous donater of a crisp 50.
As I have heard from the sarge that the knife sharpener count looks good, I'll take this 50 and whatever change from the other cash donaters and send it to Red to use for further items she sends to the Marines.
Thanks to you all that made this generous donation possible. This from sergent Akins:
Mr. Stewart,<!----><!----><!---->
It is incredible the support we have been getting from back home. Please express my thanks to all involved. I will put my mailing address below. I wish I could access the talk (breaktime forum ) and say thank you in person but govt computers hamper us from many sites. Any way to answer your question my suggestion would be to use the money to ship and send the rest to Julie and maybe it can offset some of her shipping costs for some of the other stuff she sends us. Again thank you for your support. It’s some of the little things that keep these guys spirits up. Hope you have a great weekend and a happy Easter.<!----><!---->
Take care<!----><!---->
<!----> <!---->
Mailing address:<!----><!---->
GySgt Thomas Akins<!----><!---->
MALS 29 GSE<!----><!---->
UIC 77129<!----><!---->
FPO AE 09509-7129<!----><!---->
<!----> <!---->
Semper Fi, GySgt Akins T.E. GSE Division Chief MALS-29 Al-Asad <!----><!----><!---->Iraq<!----><!----> 3416-187 DSN 318-3416-187<!----><!---->
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...DAMN !! What a Ride!<!----><!---->
<!----><!---->A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Got an email from Gunny that mentioned they have some people who like hot sauce, so I picked up some bottles to include in Julie's next mailing.
View Image
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."-- Mother Teresa
A couple years ago I had to build shelves (cherry no less) for a guys hotsauce collection. I'm thinking well over a hundred feet worth if my memory is any kind of semi good. Who'd have thunk it. A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
A couple years ago I had to build shelves (cherry no less) for a guys hotsauce collection. I'm thinking well over a hundred feet worth if my memory is any kind of semi good. Who'd have thunk it.
No shortage of crazy folks out there. Regular Dave's is bad enough, but they also make worse stuff. wheew!
Estate auction I went to years ago...the guy collected pencils. Mostly logo-type pencils, but regular ones too. Throughout the basement of the bungalow he had built floor to ceiling display cases for his pencil collection. Full height built in cabinets with glass fronts. Little loops on the back of the cabinets that he'd stick the pencils through. He had THOUSANDS and thousands of pencils. Would have hated to been the guy that had to pull them out of the loops and box 'em up.
Can't imagine how many decades it took the codger to collect 'em all. Xerox boxes of unused pencils were going for a buck or two. At the time I thought it was kind of sad. All the time he must have spent on it.
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."-- Mother Teresa
I have no use for gadgets when you're talking about knife sharpening. So my suggestion would be to stick with simple sharpening stones.
How simple are we talking? Care to suggest as system? Which stone(s), which lube?
I thought that the current issue bayonet had a sharpening stone mounted to the sheath.
I thought that the current issue bayonet had a sharpening stone mounted to the sheath.
I have no idea. Maybe they aren't using the latest bayonet. From what the gunny describes, it sounds more like a utility knife than a combat one.
"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days."--Robert Leighton
This one works great, even for those who are sharpening challenged...I've seen 'em at wal-mart for 4 bucks.'t show up with the link...look up #2001 under housewares...knife and scissor sharpener Outside of the gates the trucks were unloadin',
The weather was hot, a-nearly 90 degrees.
The man standin' next to me, his head was exploding,
Well, I was prayin' the pieces wouldn't fall on me. Edited 3/20/2007 12:30 pm ET by Snort
Edited 3/20/2007 12:32 pm ET by Snort
Looks like it might fit the bill. Compact, two surfaces, hard to break.
The idea of going directly to the manufacturer sounds good.
Or the retailer. With that quantity and who it's for either source should be happy to accommodate your sister.
Here are two options made by Spyderco:
Rebuilding my home in Cypress, CA
Also a CRX fanatic!
Here are two options made by Spyderco:
Do I need a decoder ring to see 'em? ;)
"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days."--Robert Leighton
Spyderco Pro-File, Medium/Fine 701MF
Retail Price $50.00
Your Price$30.00
Spyderco Triangle Sharpmaker Set 204MF
Comes With An Instructional DVD Video!
Retail Price $75.00
Your Price $45.00
Rebuilding my home in Cypress, CA
Also a CRX fanatic!
Edited 3/20/2007 10:24 pm ET by xxPaulCPxx
Edited 3/20/2007 10:25 pm ET by xxPaulCPxx
Edited 3/20/2007 10:27 pm ET by xxPaulCPxx
Unfortunately, a reasonable-sized (6-8"), reasonable quality whetstone or oilstone is going to cost > $10 a throw (sometimes much >). The various ceramic rod sharpeners are good for light honing but not able to effectively sharpen a really dull edge (though they will sometimes work on serrated blades while a stone never will).
Do they need one good sharpener per person, or would it make sense for them to get 5-10 sets of bench stones, plus perhaps cheap (and lightweight) "pocket" rod sharpeners for everyone?
I just copy-pasted this thread and emailed it to her. Maybe she can ask the Gunny.
"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days."--Robert Leighton
I would tend to think she could get 30-40 sharpening tools from us here at Breaktime. Why not, we've taken up collections for other people we don't really know. I think that if you would make the plea, there'd be plenty of offers. I've got the QT p.o. box if you need a non descript place to have them sent to.
I'll offer up one from Marble Falls Texas-Accusharpe--Buy U.S.
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
I would tend to think she could get 30-40 sharpening tools from us here at Breaktime. Why not, we've taken up collections for other people we don't really know. I think that if you would make the plea, there'd be plenty of offers. I've got the QT p.o. box if you need a non descript place to have them sent to.
I think you've got a good idea. The QT box would make a nice collection point. She has someone who has been donating the postage for the boxes, so we could just send you the postage to mail whatever sharpeners are collected directly to the unit.
Just reply or email me with how you'd like to handle it.
Her update from yesterday:
I suppose they could use their own collection point or maybe use our address? Bottom line, I'm just trying to get smaller size sharpeners so maybe each person could have their own. Else, we could send some so that every so many could share. Sat. 3/17, I sent an envelope with 3 keychain size carbide sharpeners for him to see if that would work. I guess I'm kind of curious too if there are different quality sharpeners...I don't want to send them trash.
Found a 42-cup coffee maker today and Frito lay donated 5 cases of beef jerky. I also talked with Texas Pete and am ordering condiment size hot sauce to be sent directly to them. Gotta call them now b4 4pm.
"Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future." -- Dr. Dale Turner
Here you go. If you care to use our post office box for your collection point:
Send knife sharpeners, stones, hones-whatever is small, compact and works well, to:
Quittin' TimeP.O.Box 351Maumee, Ohio 43537-0351
I'll collect the donations and send them to you or your sister, whatever works for you. Let me know how to proceed.
I'll include your first post about the collection over at Quittintime to maybe generate some more interest. Tell your sister, Thank You!A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Calvin and Everyone else,
Thank you for all your help, you guys are amazing!
The Marines don't know their on Breaktime yet! They're thankful for any mail they receive and we're just glad to help support them in some small way.
--from the sister ;)
My obligation is to do the right thing. The rest is in God's hands.<!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><!---->Martin Luther King, Jr.
Oh man - You're John's Sister ???Pretty soon you're gonna have the whole danged family on Breaktime.(-:.(BTW - I'm the guy from Carlinville)
I fired my masseuse today. She just rubbed me the wrong way.
Hmm....BossHog from Carlinville...seems to me I've heard some stories about you... : )
BTW, I've cut & pasted your Marine quote to the keeper file.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke
"I've heard some stories about you... "
Don't believe ANYTHING yer Brother tells ya.
BTW - Got any dirt on John? Some stories all of us at BT could use against him ???
If ya liked that marine quote, here's another for ya:
U.S. Marine Corps. - everything destroyed in 30 minutes or the next one's free
Red, glad to help out in our small way. You're the one we need to thank for taking this on. This is a good way for both anti war and pro policy people to get together.
My tool supplier today donated a couple Marble Falls, Tx made sharpeners. Here's to a successful collection!
You should have joined John on his Fest trip a couple summers ago, you'd have met some of these goofballs.
Alright you goofballs. Step up and send those sharpeners, stones or hones to:
P.O.Box 351
Maumee, Ohio 43537-0351
Thanks!A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
My ears are burning. Someone must be talking about me.
"Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future." -- Dr. Dale Turner
"My ears are burning."
Hush. I'm talking to your Sister nopw.
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
just sent out 20 gerber units to p.o. box via usps priority mail. keep an eye out for them.
hope this helps. rich
Hey Red, dig this
10 steve h Glen Ridge, N.J.
8 JHole Oregon, Oh
2.5 TLE Eaton Rapids, Mi
2.5 Harmon Painting-Toledo, Oh
20 Rich Mast Somewhere in Ct.
45 Not bad for starters.
Thanks BT!
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Edited 3/28/2007 10:06 pm ET by calvin
Edited 3/29/2007 6:21 am ET by calvin
Wow! You all are amazing! :) Sounds like there are some real "wheeler dealers" amongst you! (Maybe some of you were politicians or used car salesmen in a past life?) ;)
In his last email, Gunny didn't tell me what they were cutting and being they're Marines, I'm not sure I want to know :)
I did tell him about the forum, but he said he couldn't access it, he was "magic with a tool box but clumsy on the computer."
Anyone who's interested, his last post was from 27 March. Go to and click on "where to send". Scroll down the left side by date til you get to 27 March and it's alphabetical, his name is Akins, Thomas GySgt, just click on his name and his post will appear on the right side of the screen.
"One part brave, three parts fool." Jeremy Irons, in Eragon
From that website you linked to, here is a copy of his last 2 posts:
From the Marine:
26 Mar 2007:View Image
Hello to everyone. We are still here and still going strong. It is starting to warm up considerably but all in all can't complain (well they could but they won't). I have attached a recent pic of just a few of the guys. This is a few that were able to get out on a Sunday and play some softball. No grass on the field but they still had a blast. We have been challenging other units to play us for bragging rights. Initially softball gear was hard to come by but we had a few packages arrive with some gloves and a few bats so we got a team together.
Again we have several "regulars" that send us packages and to them I would never be able to thank you enough. The support is awesome and thank you will never be enough but it is all I can do from here.
As I said it is starting to warm up so I would ask that all keep that in mind when sending stuff that can melt (chocolate). We have received or have coming a bigger coffee pot so thank you goes out to them. Our coffee is starting to run low so if anyone wants to send that feel free. PLEASE keep in mind we do not have a bean grinder so please don't send whole bean coffee. If we get a bean grinder I will post that but for now we don't have one. Any powdered creamer would be great. Some have asked for some of the flavored powdered stuff (again new generation LOL) We have loofa's coming in quantity so no dire need for those anymore. The shower gels are still "quick grabs" and Deodorant etc. but all hygiene stuff is still welcome in all shapes and forms. The female boxes have been great please keep them coming. Replacement blades for razors go pretty fast to. I think it's Gillette (?) turbo mach something that most of them use (can't read the writing on the list sorry) and many requests for tinactin foot spray (we got a few cans in the past and they are gone now) we have been getting lots of "snack foods" and those have been great, pop tarts and snack packs of Chicken Salad things along those lines. Little "cans" of stuff they grab up for a change of pace in the menu :)
We received a large humidor …. THANK YOU :) if anyone wants to send cigars feel free we now have somewhere to put them. I have lots of "occasional smokers" (basically Saturday night card games or NASCAR racing) no special requests from any of them. There are only a few of us that know what good cigars are but all are welcome.
Someone sent us a "gently used" playstation II and a copy of NASCAR 07. A racing league has been born LOL They take turns racing each other and keep track of numbers of wins. Pretty cool to see them go at it. As you can imagine the environment is pretty hard on this kind of stuff so If anyone wants to send anything like that or accessories I guess they will find a use for it. A couple of the hard core drivers are searching on line for the steering wheel set up for it. That should be hysterical if they find it.
Well I have rambled enough on they're behalf. Please know that with each box someone in the crowd wears a smile … and for that I say thank you !!
Take care
Semper Fi,GySgt Akins T.E.
09 Mar 2007Hello to all. It's been a little while since our last update so I figured I better get it done. We have had a big turn over as of late so I have more "new" guys but no more "new" girls. Still got the just the one I brought with me So please keep the "girl boxes" coming. We have several regular supporters and to them I say THANK YOU, but for the most part the boxes have slowed noticeably. The weather is starting to warm up so I think pretty soon we'll have to cut off the chocolate before we end up with boxes of chocolate soup :) Ok I have a new "would like to have" list that the "kids" have put together (I always ask before I update) so here goes. I have several that are trying to get some sharpening stones/kits to sharpen they're pocket knives. I have several (lots) of coffee drinkers that could really use one of those office size silver coffee pots (the ones that make like 30 something cups). Right now they are making several pots every morning 8 cups at a time, needless to say some are going threw withdrawals by the time it's all caught up :) We have had a few boxes show up with chicken salad/tuna salad snack cracker pack things .... Those have gone over really good. And the little cans of pasta / noodles etc go like hot cakes. Pop tarts go quick. And the body washes and lufa's (that still kills me) are in high demand. And lastly the cottonelle wipes are worth they're weight in gold :) For everybody that has sent anything I wish to thank you personally. It takes a lot to get some of these guys to smile this far from home and with every box someone's day is brightened so please keep the support coming. I asked with the last update that anyone that sends something to please send an e-mail address if you can so I may send my thanks personally. I ask that you please make sure the e-mail address is legible. I have had a few e-mails come back because none of my guesses were right. So if you sent us something and didn't get an e-mail it might have been cause I couldn't read it. Sorry. I will try and take some new picks soon and get them up on the site. Time to go. One last BIG thank you to everyone involved and sending things. It means more to these Marines than you will ever know :) Thank you
Semper Fi,GySgt Akins T.E.jt8
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."-- Mother Teresa
Today I got the pkg from Steve, 10 credit card style, diamond sharpeners. Darndest things I've seen. Should be easy for them to pack.
Having a reason to check the again is a winner. Thanks to you boys and girls. I've had the suggestion of stapling your business card on each pkg, the recipient might want to make contact with you upon rcpt. Steve, if you wish I'll place the contact info on each pc, lemme know.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
In one of this posts, Gunny mentioned including email addresses too, they don't always get a chance to write but sometimes they've got time for a quick email.
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.~William Shakespeare (& Willy Wonka)
You are free to share any of my contact info if you think it useful or appropriate
Thank you for the courtsey of asking
Thanks Steve.
Anyone else interested in joining in on this collection? I'd like to get the stuff purchased, boxed up and sent off in the not too distant future. If you still want to donate, please let me know and then send the item(s) or check/money order to:
Quittintime 351
Maumee, Ohio 43537-0351
thanks.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Cal, hang on for another couple days if you could. I sent you something in yesterday's mail via the Quittintime po box. Thanks.View Image
Yessir Brian, I'll wait up as long as I know something's coming. Thanks again!A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
You should have gotten mine by now (or Monday latest) -- a couple of diamond credit cards.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
Just got back from the box, if you're on 4 Avenue, I got them. Also a pkg from JohnT8.
Thanks again! If you don't mind, Red suggested an email address attch'd to the sharpener as they might like to make contact upon rcpt. Email me yours through here and I'll tape it to the card.
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
I'd be suprised if you don't have mine yet or at the latest by monday.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
I'll check the box Monday Paul.
Send me your email address in case I don't have a current one. If you wish, I'll include it to the Marines.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Sounds like the PO box is seeing some action. jt8
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."-- Mother Teresa
Yessir, it's giving me a reason to stop. Speaking of which. If there's any extra cash lying around that folks are looking to lose somewhere, feel free to make a donation to keep that site up and running. Sorry I haven't come up with any auction items lately.
Thanks and have your sister send me an email so we can fine tune the delivery.
Thanks.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Hot News from the
Today-checks from Dieselpig, Dovetail, and Piffin.
Thanks boys!
Waiting on one package now. Anyone else plan on sending anything shortly? Lemme know so I don't pack up and ship if there's more on the way.
thanks!A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Thanks for pulling all this together Cal. You're a good man.View Image
You're welcome, thanks for the complement and Joyce says hi back at ya.
There's still alot of good people around. Oftentimes they don't get recognized. Even more often, no one knows of the good deeds they do. Those are the ones that deserve our praise.
I figure it this way and you can see my anarcho-communist readings in my actions. If more people did things for the benefit of the whole, without remuneration or accolades, this would be a better place.
Now, when those police organizations call (probably paid telemarketers) and try to hook me for a donation they get an earfull. Not to single them out, but they are the most recent. Get off your fat #### and pound the pavement. Be upfront and donate your time. Those that head these things up and do the organizational work, some office staff to keep things rolling-they should be paid-they earn their wage. But the askers, screw it. Volunteer-spend some time-give back for all you've got.
But I digress.
Thanks Brian!A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
If you have the sharpeners covered then use mine for quittin time.
Since you posted to me and then deleted it, this thread keeps popping up under "with unread messages to me". Could you please repost to me again to make it go away? BTW... what'd I miss?View Image
Read my post to cal concerning $ for sharpeners/quittin time. I mistakenly hit reply on your message instead of his, wrote the message, sent it then realized what I had done so I deleted it and sent a new one to him .
That's what I figured.... I really just wanted to stop the thread from popping up on my list all the time. Thanks much.View Image
I thank you for the thought, but this here was set up for the Marines and that's what you sent it for. I'm going to get in contact with Red (john's sister-the brains behind it all) soon and ask for her guidance on the whole shelonga. There's a changing list of things this group of guys need. We'll add to the general fund if necessary.
Thanks! you former Ohioan (I think). A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Yes from Ohio, grew up in Lakewood, summers on Marblehead Pennisula, Sandusky Bay side. I have been thru Maumee, Toledo , Port Clinton many times. Have a brother who lived in Temperence Mi. for quite a few yrs. Anybody find the bottom of the Blue Hole yet?
I don't know that the Hole by Castalia is still that would be "someone took it" or " it leaked" or perhaps after "been there once", not enough new people moved into the area.
I haven't been down the road by it in a long time. Usually from here we take a different route than 6.
I grew up in Cleve-Garfield and then Solon. Went to college in BG, met the wife to be, and the rest is history. If you're older, Dean Duncan from Lakewood?
Andy Clifford spent a 70's summer on the lake, some of it with the bikers I think.
In the early 60's, I spent some weekends at Gem Beach, looking for girls.
Pleased to meet you. And in case I didn't ask, is it alright to include your email address on the sharpeners I send?
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
I left Ohio in Jan of 68. Decided to enjoy the spring like weather in Great Lakes Naval Station that yr. Likely the girls were with me and my friend at the time you were at gem beach. ;-) Yea send it on .. be warned though .. I tend to be just a tiny bit on the liberal side .
You should have mine by now - I sent you an email. Apparently the place I ordered from was overwhelmed with orders last weekend, and mine didn't go out until Wednesday. The folks there said it was delivered yesterday morning. Let me know if you didn't see it.
Thanks for coordinating all this. Rich.
yessir, picked them up this a.m.
Thank you very much, 20 in a box-they sent me the invoice too-do you need it? Your return address is on it, could send it along to you for your records.
The 20 gives us 48 sharpeners. The check donations can easily buy 15 more if I get the Texas made models like my tool supplier donated. Extra $ will take care of the shipping.
Can I include your email address on the sharpeners, Red mentioned they might want to send an e-thank you?
thanks again.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Red, there are some politicians and I'm sure some car salesmen here, but this is the contractors life. We've got to sell ourselves and our work, daily to stay afloat. However, the cause is what's selling this thing.
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
I tried Any Soldier in order to get his email address. No Luck. Could you pass it along to me?
thanks.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Did you get her email yesterday? She carbon copied me on it. I can fwd it to you if you didn't get it.
She and DH & kids are heading to TX for a week or so, so she will probably very soon be out of email contact with us.
Today she fwd me Gunny's latest email. Apparently the big-a$$ coffee pot and coffee arrived.
>Classification: UNCLASSIFIED>
>Hi J,>
>How's things by you ? We got the coffee pot yesterday. The jerky went
>like wild fire ..... and oh man did we need the coffee. It was getting
>close to opening instant packets LOL
>Anyway I wanted to write and let you know and say thank you one more
>time. Thanks for all you do
>>Have a good weekend
>>Semper Fi,
>GySgt Akins T.E.
>GSE Division Chiefjt8
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."-- Mother Teresa
get me the email address for the sarge, thanks!
I did get her email and responded this a.m.
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Edited 4/6/2007 1:25 pm ET by calvin
Just sent you an email.
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."-- Mother Teresa
Thanks John, I just sent him an email.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Too long overdue...I'm a little behind...
This is to Calvin and all the rest of you out there who have supported our Marines thru Calvin's knife sharpener round-up.....THANK YOU!!!!!! They are simple words, but I hope you know that they are heart-felt.
We try to support the troops in little ways, but the sharpeners were out of my league. Food, coffee, fun stuff...yes; tools...not a clue.
You all take the cake, despite some of the stories I've heard ;)
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis
Cake? There's cake? Where? (I hope it's chocolate!)
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
The cake is disguised under hot sauce.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
And update from the Gunny, copied from
GySgt Thomas Akins
From the Marine:
19 Apr 2007:View Image
Hello to all. I have attached an updated picture as I was able to get most of them together today. We have had many new faces join our happy “family†so wanted to get a new photo up. I now have a second female attached to us so please keep the female boxes coming. The support for them has been great. Again I please ask if at all possible please send an e-mail address with any packages sent. It’s much easier and time efficient for them to get to a computer to say thanks than it is to sit down and write out a thank you card or letter. We make every effort to say thank you for each and every box we receive.
As I stated in my last update we do have a humidor now and if any cigar aficionado’s or anyone wants to send some cigars please by all means do. We try to have down time one night a week and many like to smoke cigars and sit around and visit or play cards. I will attempt to get some pictures of that for the next update. If anyone has an extra cigar punch or cutter we could definitely use a few of those. We had a few cutters but they were plastic and two have broken. If someone can help there that would be great.
We have received a coffee grinder so we can handle any kind of coffee now so please feel free to send any and all kinds. They drink a large pot (40 something cups) daily between them all. Sweet and low has been requested to go with the coffee and creamer as well. Hygiene stuff is a constant with a special request for the Toothbrushes to be medium or hard. We have lots of soft brushes around here. I have had several requests for nutri grain cereal bars and of course pop tarts still go fast. Peanut butter is hard to come by because of the recall. They like the little snack packs of tuna and chicken and things along those lines to munch on over the course of the day. All the other snacks are usually gone fast but as you can imagine it’s starting to warm up so please be mindful it might melt. Snack cakes and the little pre packaged brownies went fast last time. It is getting hot as I stated and we are on them to drink lots of water so the powdered drink mix things might make that easier. Last box we received had crystal light iced tea and they fought over that but anything along those lines would be great.
Thanks to all that have sent packages in the past and I hope to have new people to say thank you to again soon. It may not seem like much but with each box sent out it always manages to make someone’s day. Thank you for all your support
Take care
Semper Fi, GySgt Akins T.E. jt8
"The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide."-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Next time you all gather close by, I'll send a chocolate cake along w/ John! (the hot sauce on top is up to you)
I'll be glad to do some "quality control" taste testing on that cake, since I'm close by.(-:Back when I was in the Army and stationed in Germany, mail got there and back in a week fairly reliably. But obviously the Iraq situation is different. .Regarding the disappearing mail - I have a theory about that. ( But nothing to back it up)Once the mail gets to a certain level within the military, it's not handled by post office employees - They're just regular military grunts. Since most packages don't have to be signed for, there's no accountability. So if a package disappears, my guess it that it ended up in the hands of one of the military postal workers.
So is it a waste of $$ to insure it? Will the post office just say it is out of their hands?
"The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide."-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Nope - Quite the opposite. An insured package has to be signed for. An UN-insured package does not. So if a guy in the military mail system sees a package, and the customs label says "chex mix", he can just take it with him and there's no way to trace it. Again - This is just my own theory. I could never prove that the military mail guys were stealing stuff. But I'd be willing to bet money that I'm right, based on some experiences I had.
So you'd want to label the box something unpleasant, yet not toxic, so that they wouldn't be inclined to steal it?
"The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide."-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Yup - That should work. No one would steal a package with "fruit cake" on the label.(-:
Regarding the packages sent, an email excert from Gunny Tom and his Marines for all of you:
"Posting the thanks on the site would be awesome. Thank you. There's no more dull leathermans or gerbers anywhere :)
We got a bunch of boxes over the past two days. Do even ask me to try and explain the mail system here .... Still convinced there's a black hole somewhere that holds mail LOL anyways Saturday we got one of the boxes with snacks and the miracle grow. We were totally lost LOL the dirt and the seeds didn't show until yesterday and then the miracle grow made sense LOL ..... now let me tell ya about my "farmer" I got a kid here from Pennsylvania that grew up on the farm and all he has beentalking about is getting some dirt out here and "growin' some matters and maybe even some corn" ... he's a nut but he is all about the tomatoes. So he's getting all the seeds and most of the dirt. I'm keeping a box of it (the dirt) cause I'm going to grow a "front lawn" LOL .... I found some grass seed and I'm gonna see if I can't grow a box of grass. Ya I know we are all crazy but it keeps us occupied :-)We also got all the sharpeners from Calvin. I can not get onto the website all those came from but could you please ask your brother to tell them all the Marines said thank you!Anyways I wanted to write quick and tell you we got the packages and now we know why you asked about the buckets LOL ... and we'll keep ya posted on the "garden"Please tell everyone we all said thank youTake care and have a good weekTom"
Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. ~Author Unknown
Thanks for the update. BTW - I may be up in Springfield over the next few days. And I figured I'd call that ornery Brother of yours to see if he wanted to meet fer lunch or something. If ya like, I'll have him give you a call too. I've met your Mom, and would be happy to meet you too.Or drop me an email and we can forget your Brother.(-:
I used to own an ant farm but had to give it up. I couldn't find tractors small enough to fit it.
Hmmm.......does that mean I need to bake a cake? I believe it was supposed to have hot sauce on it... ;)
Hey Red, thought you'd like to hear this.
My brother called me tonight. He was going to ask at work for some donations for me to send. He works at a window distributor. Figures he better check with the owner first just to make sure it's okay to do. Tells him what I'm doing and shows him the flyer I made up.
The guy is so taken by the idea that they're going to do their own drive involving all 20 of their stores and the company's going to box and ship everything at their own expense!
This just keeps getting better and better. Thanks Red!
Pete!!!!! Wow!
Thank You! And thank your brother (I guess we both can give a big "Salute" (remember them standing in the cornfield on Hee Haw) and "Thank you" to our brothers!) and his boss and the window company. That's Awesome!! Isn't it amazing how things snowball?!
I know I already listed this quote, but it's a keeper:
My obligation is to do the right thing. The rest is in God's hands.
Martin Luther King, Jr.<!----><!----><!---->
- Everyone -
Btb...for anyone mailing "flat rate boxes" to the troops: with the new postal rates starting Monday, the price will go from $8.10 to $8.95.
So being, I'll update you shortly on the 10 more boxes you all are sending out TODAY, since the savings allows us to send another box! ;)
That is, as soon as I can get the stinkin' customs forms all filled out... : (
"Not all who wander are lost." Tolkien
Here's an update on the packages that were sent out thanks to your support covering the postage costs:
Saturday morning we mailed out 15 boxes with a combined weight of 118 pounds! (thank goodness the post office has wheeled carts) I forgot to number them, but emailed Gunny to let him know they're enroute. He laughed and said it'd be like Christmas!
Some of the items I had purchased, but a majority were left from the supply drive our church hosted a couple weeks ago.
Items packed included:
A huge bag of peanuts in the shell (I think it was 10 lbs) - had to work to fit that one in a box :) 8 cans of nuts, sporting & car magazines, pocket planners (kindly donated by the local VFW), bug spray, sunscreen, chapstick (60 rolls- very good for filling odd spaces in the boxes), itch ointment, 7 boxes of tea bags for the sun tea drinkers, kool-aid, 20 lbs worth of instant oatmeal packets, granola/cereal bars, 2 boxes of assorted candy and gum, 140 neck coolers (from Tomi at church who can sew anything!), funny papers for stuffing, assorted kinds of crackers, 20 lbs or more of microwave popcorn (there was a lot!), ummm....microwavable hamburger helper, coffee, beef jerky, antibacterial handwipes, and cereal. Oh, and 2 boxes with bags of garden dirt in them (another one that gets shifted and poked into the box) and some seeds for tomatoes, cukes, peppers, and sugar snap peas. I think that's everything, some were packed last week and I don't remember what was in them:)
(We found Tom & his crew thru It's a great program and totally geared to support our troops! They even have links for amazon shoppers and other stores that if you purchase thru their link, a part of the sale goes back to support to keep the website running.)
Anyhow, thanks :)
The 2nd box has arrived.
This from Tom:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Mr. Stewart, Mr. Hanley, Mr. Mast, Mr. hicks, John, Mr. titsworth,<!----><!----><!---->
Box number two full of sharpeners made it threw the black hole and arrived yesterday. The debate is going good between my guys and gals as to who got the better of the sharpeners J I guess we’ll see who cuts themselves first. LOL There won’t be a dull Gerber or Leathermen in the place. once again thank you all for all you have done for us. Thank you for the support<!----><!---->
Have a great week<!----><!---->
Take care<!----><!---->
<!----> <!---->
Semper Fi, GySgt Akins T.E. GSE Division Chief A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Finally! Thank goodness for insurance, there's some accountability in the process, even if it is delayed.
I sent them a couple bottles of Dave's Insanity Sauce last week. Hope it gets there.
I guess you just never know what you're going to miss when you're in a strange land. In addition to the sharpeners that Calvin mailed and snacks Red mailed, she also sent dirt. Dirt? Yup, dirt. Apparently one Marine who was missing his garden and another one (Tom) who was missing his lawn. Tom sent an update on the 'lawn'
>Subject: update :)>Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 03:09:36 +0400>>Classification: UNCLASSIFIED>>Just wanted you to see. Thanks for all you done. I have the only lawn in>IRAQ :-)>>Take care>>tom>>>>Semper Fi,>GySgt Akins T.E.>GSE Division Chief>MALS-29>Al-Asad Iraq>3416-187>DSN 318-3416-187>>Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely>in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways,>thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...DAMN !!>What a Ride!>>>
View Imagejt8
"When I was a young man I vowed never to marry until I found the ideal woman. Well, I found her but, alas, she was waiting for the ideal man." -- Alain
So do we need to send him a lawn mower now ???(-:
The downside of being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're Pretentious.
Well, push mowers come in fairly compact boxes, probably wouldn't have any trouble mailing....
"When I was a young man I vowed never to marry until I found the ideal woman. Well, I found her but, alas, she was waiting for the ideal man." -- Alain
No cakes necessary. If you're as nice as John I'd be happy to meet ya. I dropped him an email yesterday, but haven't heard back. And I'm still not sure when I'll be up there.BTW - Don't believe everything he tell you about me.(-:
The trouble with learning from experience is that the test comes first and the lesson afterwards.
I got this tonite. I replied to Tom and asked if he got two boxes of sharpeners (wouldn't all fit in one).
So, you all know who you are (including the one Anonymous.)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Mr. Stewart, Mr. Bortner, Connie & Paul, Paul, Brian, John, and everyone else I may have missed,<!----><!----><!---->
We received a package the other day from you all with all the sharpeners in it and a package from Julie Ramirez with some more stuff donated from you all. I wanted to write personally and say thank you. “the kids†sat around that night and sharpened every Gerber and leatherman in the place. It was like kid’s with a new toy at Christmas. Your package put a smile on the face of many dusty, hot Marines 1000’s of miles away from home and for that thank you will never be enough but from here that is all we can do. Thank you for the support and all that you have done.<!----><!---->A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Just got that one too Cal. I gotta admit, I was actually a little embarrassed the he was thanking me. Humbling to say the least.
BTW, Great job Cal, John, and Red. You guys really shine.View Image
No need to feel anything but pride in the action that we took on behalf of our troops (well, a few of them anyway).
Now we just need to pray for their swift and safe return.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
I initially experienced the same along those lines...I had emailed Tom a while back telling him he didn't have to thank us each time especially as busy as they are and in hostile territory. We were just happy to be able to do something to support them.
He very quickly responded that he feels saying thank you is the least he can do when folks take the time to mail them packages.
Yeah, what a nice guy. I emailed him directly to thank him for his service and let him know that we're praying for the safe return of all of them. He quickly emailed back a really nice couple of paragraphs about what those packages mean to his men and himself. You done good Red.... cuz I'm hooked. I'm logged on over at seeing what else I can do to help out. Thanks.View Image
Tom sent me a quick reply. Thus far, they have rcvd one package from the Breaktimer Drive, still waiting on the one with more than 30 sharpeners in it. Hopefully, they'll get that one soon and I can file the insurance rcpts.
Stands to reason-mail both the same time and one misses the boat.
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
If you go to they talk about package theft and insurance. They say regular packages dissappear alot, insured rarely do.
I was at the post office today and asked about the cost to insure a box to Iraq. A 10 lb. box worth $50 can be insured for $1.35 . Not bad if it means it gets to the right person...pete
I insure the important ones, but snacks, I just send.
Thank YOU to all of you! Just an update: With the extra money that was received from the sharpener round-up, Calvin emailed Gunny Tom and he requested that Calvin send it our way to cover shipping costs.
So being, you all just mailed your first 6 boxes with a combined weight of about 51 pounds! We used the flat rate boxes and stuffed them FULL. Our church had done a supply drive (and that plus my supplies are sitting in our family room) but you all handled the shipping. Thank You!
So, this go round, you all sent: poptarts, jerky, coffee, teabags (for sun tea), funny papers, powdered drink mix, baby powder, pocket size kleenex, travel size toothpaste, some gardening supplies, gum and candy, granola bars, microwavable hamburger helper, birthday supplies, deodorant, and some ooh-rah (Marine) bumper stickers!
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.That will be the beginning. Louis L'Amour
Red21 - Because of the thread started here I went to to take a look.
After a half hour of reading I knew I would be answering some of those soldiers.
Because of what you did here, today I mailed the first five of thirty boxes to an Army nurse at a combat hospital in Iraq. I thought you'd like to know.
Thank you for the inspiration...pete
Pete! You're awesome!!!
Thank You for "adopting"! That's great!
It's a great website, isn't it hard to pick just one soldier? We started out with one...then 3...and then I was up to 7...but some of them have dropped off the anysoldier website, so now we just have 2. That's ok though, cuz the postage adds up fast. By the way, the USPS does have 2 "flat rate" box sizes, rather small, but you can fill them as heavy as you dare and it's only $8.10 per box.
The crew at anysoldier mentioned sticking a stamped, self-addressed post card in your boxes just so you know that the troops received it. Some, like Tom, will drop you an email if you send your address. We started out doing the post office's "track & confirm" for an extra .50/box, but out of 20, only 4 had been scanned in the system, so we quit doing that.
If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.-- Mother Teresa
I was surprised the postage wasn't even higher. I used the Post office #7 boxes, 12"x12"x8". They cost between $7.75 and $12.25 each, $53 for all five. Not bad I thought, considering how far they're going!
The nurse got the first 5, the other 25 are going to 8 other soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Do you know how long it takes to get into their hands? I want to mail the rest before 6/1/07 so that they get there before the fourth of July ( I hope )...pete
It's a hard call on delivery time. Our first few we sent in January arrived in a week and I was so excited, I sent off 5 more...and they ended up in a black hole who knows where they went, maybe the Iraqis are eating chex mix!
When we sent the coffee urn, it was a bigger size and I really wanted them to get it so I insured it and I think he got it in 10 days.
The thing to remember, and it may have changed since we were in the service, the USPS handles your package to NY or NJ where-ever the outgoing point on the coast is. From NY/NJ outbound, the military mail system takes over and delivers to FPO/APOs.
I'd send it early to be on the safe side :)
Rich, thanks a whole lot!
Will keep my eye's open for the delivery.
If you guys aren't careful, you'll bring a tear to JohnT8's eye.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
View Image$9 at REI for a decent diamond sharpener.
Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.
have her contact cheaper than dirt. they have a website. they are great to the troops maybe there is a discount. And to cover the cost i am sure people would donate somehow.
I'm just curious, what are they cuttin that they need to be sharpening their knives so much?
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
Must be from that fine chow they're eating (MREs)!
I'm just curious, what are they cuttin that they need to be sharpening their knives so much?
I have no idea. Just passing along their request. Sound more like utility knives than combat ones.
"Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future." -- Dr. Dale Turner
Today, I got an email that said 10 more were on their way, should arrive Thursday.
So that's 2 in the bag, 2 pledged and presumably on the way. Some dinero's in lew of the tool. And the 10 in a box on the way.
Hey Red, check it out!A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Thanks for alerting me to how the thread has evolved.
Make check out to Quittin' Time or ???
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Yessir, I'll either make the buy or send Red the funds and she can do it.
Monetary donation:
p.o. box 351
Maumee, Ohio 43537-0351
Thanks!A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
If anyone wants to make a large donation it would be good to find if there's a non-profit one could use as a go-between, for tax purposes.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
QT hasn't made a profit yet, has it?;)
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
You don't sound like somebody who carries a knife much. Once yopu own one, use it, and learn how to sharpen it, it becomes like a part of you. Lose it in the couch cushions or at the airport and you feel like your hand has been cut off or you are naked.But I guess that's a sign of the times...When my local trucker delivered an appliance awhile back, I had my knife out and cutting the box as quick as we realized that was the only way through the door. He expressed some amazment because he rarely sees anyone carry a SHARP knife. Another forgotten skill in modern society...Cal, I will cut a check. Too hard to get off island to pick up and ship.
Make it out to Quittin' Time?
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
I carry a Leatherman when working. I also have a razor-knife handy which I usually use for cutting open a box. When that gets dull, I pop in a new blade. I have sharpened my Leatherman blade.
My query was about what the marine's are cutting that they need to sharpen knives so often. I am curious about the day to day stuff that needs cutting.
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
Jarhead can probably answer better but:The knife is every military guy/gal's utility toolOpen an MRE
Cut off a length of parachute twine
Open a box
Pop the top off a packing crate
Saw the top off a tin can to make a candle holder
....Lot's of stuff that makes even good knives requiring frequent touchupsand, Yes, the knife is considered a self defense tool in those "last ditch" cicumstances where everything has just gone down the tubes. Nobody though seriously uses a knife as a primary offensive weapon even for the proverbial take out the sentry stuff.
Just contact your preferred tool supplier (phone or net) Place order and ship to Quitin'Time address
JHole, another local Glass City boy.......dropped off 8 more sharpeners this aftn. Good to meet the guy finally. Short BS session, then off we go.
Stopped at the on the way home-25.00 donation from TLE up in Michigan.
Worked for a painter today in his home. Mentioned to his wife the collection-she wrote out a 25.00 check.
I called my tool supplier Electric Tool and Equipment, Maumee Ohio , to make sure he restocks.
This thing is taking on a life all its own.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Yeah, it's a pretty sharp thread, ain't it?Something else to think of - not to take away from this partiular item, but the REader's digest Assocciation will send subsccriptions to the servicemen (and servicewomen) for ten bucks a pop.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Alright now. I've got two sharpeners. I think somewhere in the above posts we've got a goal of some sort. Whatever it is, we're short of it.
What do you say? You've done it b/4 raising something for someone you don't know. Well, you don't know John's sister I guess. Probably don't know those particular Marines. So this is right where you aughta be. We're collecting knife sharpeners, stones and hones. Care to make a donation?
Collection Point:
P.O. Box 351
Maumee, Ohio 43537-0351
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Give us time! I've got a package at the top of the steps, for tomorrow's mail.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
My apologies for the prodding Dan. Just trying to keep the interest up.
Thank you.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Does cash work?View Image
I can't think of anytime it doesn't............but how bout talking to that tool shop you go to. I did, and they went over to the rack and grabbed two. I don't want to disuade you Brian. You are a good past supporter of all things Breaktime. Do it however you like and a big thanks from John's sister.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
What's the time line on this deal? I'm not sure when I'll be up there next, that's why I was thinking greenbacks. I'd be happy to ask, but like I said... could be a couple weeks before I return to Mecca again.View Image
I think there is a goal of 40 pcs. We've got 2 and a pledge for 2.
So I'd guess we're in the opening stages. But then again, time is of the essense. Maybe John or Red will step in here and give us a date.
I guess I could send along the goods and the green, let them buy up some more to get us to the goal. Whatever they say, I'm the conduit.
Thanks again Brian!A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
BudK sells one stone for 3 bucks. Check out
George Patterson
How about if they shared a sharpener? It makes sense. If they could share one I'd recomend a 1" bench belt sander. The type that are set up like a bandsaw but with a sanding belt. I don't think they are to much $.
Here's the donation update popa.
I just sent out 53 sharpeners I think, the postit notes litter my desktop. I have email'd the sargent and he figured that was a goodly amount to send. The rest of the collected money donations he suggested I send to Red to use in more of her purchases for this group of Marines. She's started this endeavor here (and her brother John of course) and is a dedicated "gatherer" .
I included the email addresses of the donators in the group of sharpeners they sent me when I boxed them up. The ones I bought with donated money, I put those folks email add. on that group also.
So now we wait for news that they have rcvd the Breaktime/Quittintime box 'o sharpeners. The little bit of space left in one box, I stuffed last weeks sports page.
I'd like to thank all you that put your hearts where your mouth is and sent in those donations. Too often there's a lot of lip service given and no real effort. This here project had some balls!
Hats off to John and Red for calling this to our attention.
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Hats off to Red for calling this to our attention.
And while you've got your hat off, how about a flourish for that fellow in Ohio who served as the collection center. The one who without blinking an eye donated the use of the Quitin Time box... who kept us updated on the donations, who was in truth the engine that kept the sharpener drive moving forward. Whose efforts help change what would have been 5-10 sharpeners into 53. Nicely done, Calvin. If you ever get tired of pounding nails for a living, you've got the talent to make an A-1 fund raiser.
And let me add my thanks to all the rest of you. I'm sure the gunny will let us know when they arrive (knock on wood).
"The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide."-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow